HotToys 新品: 1/6 MMS479《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》-灭霸 Thanos 2.0(双头配置)
发布时间: 2018-04-07
586 次浏览
漫威《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》灭霸1:6比例珍藏人偶
高约41.5cm巨人素体套用*新版本电影造型服饰 重量级双头雕配置
漫威宇宙十周年重头巨献电影《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》国内终於定档5月11日! 而在预告片中霸气侧漏的*强反派— 宇宙霸主「灭霸」明显点燃了全球漫威影迷激动且亢奋的情绪,教人期待这场****的**一战! Hot Toys (现宣布推出《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》灭霸1:6比例珍藏人偶,定必引发购买热潮! Hot Toys团队凭藉**人偶制作技术与丰富经验,特别按电影角色比例打造了高约41.5cm的巨人素体, 具逾20个可动关节,体型庞大,当中涉及复杂的体态设定; 整个可动素体细致涂装上紫蓝色的皮肤细节与肌肉纹理,手臂部分采用了紫蓝色软身包胶制作, 除了能展现出具备迫真澎拜的肌肉质感外,更可避免了外露的可动关节而影响人偶外观,质感显得更为逼真细腻。 表情神髓入木三分的两颗高度像真头雕分别由Hot Toys韩国头雕总监Kojun 及头雕师Yong Kyum Kim联同韩国艺术总监JC. Hong倾力制作出露齿愤怒和霸气自信的表情神态头雕以供替换。 凭着他们的巧手雕刻与涂装工艺,细致无遗地刻上灭霸一角的面部轮廓和为整个头雕涂装上紫蓝色的皮肤细节与下巴位置的坑纹痕迹,**展现出灭霸宇宙级的霸气! 此外,Hot Toys设计师根据*新电影造型,套用灭霸*新版本的戏服进行剪裁, 人偶配置了一件蓝色背心型上身战服,饰有金属色与图案的护甲与腰带组件, 而下身的长裤是以细密的布料剪裁而成,配上一对饰有金属色的护甲长靴,更细致刻划旧化效果,将这万众期待的灭霸人偶足本呈现。 与此同时,灭霸人偶将配备两款戴上无限手套的左手全臂以供替换, 分别是一个结合LED亮灯与可动手指关节技术打造高可动性全手臂和一个充满着力量感高举着无限手套动态的全手臂, 两款手臂上的无限手套将细致饰有电镀涂装及旧化效果,同时LED亮灯无限手套更配换在两款左手全臂上,完美捕捉灭霸各个霸气英姿。 ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~
《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》 1:6比例灭霸珍藏人偶产品特点: - 一个精心打造全新涂装头雕,充分表现出灭霸於《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》电影中一角的面部轮廓及表情 - 一个可替换全新打造愤怒表情头雕 - 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其表情及皮肤纹理 - 约41.5cm高 - 一只可替换左手臂 - 细致雕塑多达 20 个可动关节肌肉巨人素体,内置灵活颈部和包胶关节肌肉型手臂 - 3只可替换手掌包括 - 一只右拳头 - 一只放松右手掌 - 一只摆姿态右手掌 - 头雕均由人手涂装 服饰造型: - 一件全新打造,备有精致纹理及图案的蓝色拼金属色背心 - 一条深灰色连花纹长裤 - 一对带有旧化涂装效果的啡色及蓝色长靴 配件: - 一个LED发光无限手套连独立可动手指配上六颗仿无限宝石(6颗灯,需电力启动) - 一个LED发光无限手套配上六颗仿无限宝石 (6颗灯,需电力启动) - 一个特别设计《复仇者联盟3: 无限战争》主题地台连电影logo 及背景板 造型师: - 普通表情头雕师: Yong Kyun Kim - 愤怒表情头雕师: Kojun - 涂装师: JC. Hong - 头雕美术指导: JC. Hong - 盔甲涂装师: Lok Ho 推出日期: 约 2019年第1至第2季 **图片所示只是产品原型,与*後完成产品或许会有少许分别 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 © 2018 Marvel. © 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. ............................................................................. “Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.” – Thanos In less than a month, fans will witness the Avengers assemble again in Marvel Studios Avengers: Infinity War, who are brought face to face with the cunning, intelligent, and fierce warlord, Thanos, a ruthless cosmic threat consumed with saving the universe from itself. To stop him, the Avengers must join forces to bring down this villain who will stop at nothing to collect the six Infinity Stones. Hot Toys has dedicated its great effort to create the latest Avengers: Infinity War collectibles based on the most up-to-date details, and today Hot Toys is ecstatic to officially introduce the highly movie accurate 1/6th scale Thanos collectible figure that Marvels fans eagerly sought after! The spectacular 1/6th scale Thanos collectible figure is meticulously crafted with impressive likeness based on the main appearance of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The collectible figure features two newly developed and sophisticatedly crafted interchangeable head sculpts inspired by Thano’s serious and angry expressions respectively. It also comes with two styles of LED light up metallic gold-colored Infinity Gauntlets with all six Infinity Stones and weathering effect, an additional interchangeable non-articulated left arm with great muscle details for Thanos’ iconic and intimidating clenched fist pose, a newly sculpted and tailored armored costume with intricate details, and a specially designed figure base and backdrop. This astonishingly detailed collectible figure of the mighty Marvel Cinematic Universe super villain will surely put a smile on your face when you add him to your incredible Marvel collection! Hot Toys – MMS479 – Avengers: Infinity War– 1/6th scale Thanos Collectible Figure
~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ The 1/6th scale Thanos Collectible Figure specially features: - One (1) newly developed head sculpt with authentic and detailed likeness of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War - One (1) newly developed interchangeable head sculpt capturing Thano’s angry expression - Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles and skin texture - Approximately 41.5 cm tall - Newly sculpted purple-skinned muscular body featuring detailed skin texture with over 20 points of articulations, built-in joints in neck and arms with seamless elbow joints - One (1) additional interchangeable non-articulated power pose left arm with muscle details - Three (3) pieces of interchangeable hands including: - One (1) right fist - One (1) relaxed right hand - One (1) gesturing right hand - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume : - One (1) blue-colored armor vest with metallic gold-colored trims and details - One (1) dark grey-colored pants with texture - One (1) pair of brown and blue-colored boots with weathering effects and gold-colored trims Accessories: - One (1) interchangeable LED-lighted metallic gold-colored Infinity Gauntlet with individually articulated fingers, weathering effect, and mounted with six Infinity Stones (6 LED lights, battery operated) - One (1) interchangeable LED-lighted non-articulated metallic gold-colored Infinity Gauntlet with clenched fist, weathering effect. and mounted with six Infinity Stones (6 LED lights, battery operated) - A specially designed movie-themed figure base with movie logo and backdrop Artists: - Head Sculpted by Yong Kyum Kim - Angry Head Sculpted by Kojun - Head Painted by JC. Hong - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong - Armor Painted by Lok Ho Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2019 **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Batteries included for collectible figure, button cells are required **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice © 2018 Marvel. © 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.