HotToys新品:1/6《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》-欧比旺.肯诺比 MMS477普通版MMS478豪华版
发布时间: 2018-03-29
436 次浏览
Hot Toys 1/6《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》欧比旺.肯诺比 普通版/豪华版 (MMS477/478)
精心配备超像真1:6比例婴儿卢克天行者、LED全息影像装置与Battle Droid残骸配件,
欧比旺肯诺比可谓贯穿整个《星球大战》系列电影的核心人物之一,他同时是天行者父子安钠金的师父和卢克的启蒙导师, 目睹了银河帝国的崛起,**是星球大战的银河历史见证者。 Hot Toys精心拣选了於《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》中绝地武士欧比旺肯诺比化身1:6比例珍藏人偶 (设有豪华版本和普通版本) 登场, 将电影幕幕经典场景细节复刻,为星战人偶系列中不可或缺的一款珍品! 擅长运用巧手人偶制作工艺和细腻审美标准将电影人偶活现大家眼前的Hot Toys, 再度结集团队一众精英忠实根据电影原作设定与演员伊万麦克格雷格的独特气质, 合力打造出Hot Toys首款前传的欧比旺肯诺比1:6比例珍藏人偶! 头雕由Hot Toys韩国艺术总监JC. Hong率领头雕总监Kojun与涂装师E-Lee参照绝地武士欧比旺的造型与表情所精心制作, 透过精湛雕刻与涂装工艺,塑造出媲美真人般的五官轮廓丶发式丶皮肤纹理与胡子细节等,更展现出其坚毅不屈的性格。 此外,Hot Toys特别按照角色比例塑造出约高30.5cm的男性专用素体,全身逾30个可动关节,能摆出多款大幅度的姿势。 服饰方面,Hot Toys 设计师由内到外细致参照电影原版戏服的物料质感与布纹所精心制作的整套绝地武士服装, 包括: 一套两层的米白色长袖武士道服丶一件橙棕色带帽的绝地武士长袍丶一条仿皮腰带丶一条米白色长裤及一对棕色仿皮长靴。 此外,Hot Toys为了令粉丝可把多个经典电影场景重现,更配备了多项特别配件, 当中包括: 重现电影中欧比旺为了保护帕德梅刚诞下的卢克天行者,将之送到塔图因星的一幕, 而特别配置了一颗由Hot Toys艺术总监JC. Hong主理的1:6比例超像真婴儿卢克天行者(*豪华版本独有); 欧比旺於绝地圣殿中查看安全记录时惊恐发现安纳金天行者向达斯缠迪厄斯廷下跪的一幕 而特别打造了一个内置LED 灯效的仿全息影像装置(*豪华版本独有), 装置上配有一对以人手涂装的安纳金天行者与达斯缠迪厄斯的全息影像雕像; 欧比旺奉命营救被机械兵俘虏的**议长希夫帕尔帕廷一幕而特别配置了3 组Battle Droid机械兵残骸作地台配件。 随人偶将附上一把结合右手手臂的内置LED发光的蓝色光剑 (可换配挥动形态的蓝色光剑组件)丶一把可挂在腰带上的光剑柄丶 一个Comlink (通讯器),以及一个特别设计的人偶地台,完整还原此具重量级影响力的欧比旺角色人偶! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Toys 1/6《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》欧比旺.肯诺比 普通版 (MMS477) 精心打造全新头雕,充分表现出演员伊万麦克格雷格(Ewan McGregor)於《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》电影中欧比旺肯诺比一角的面部轮廓及表情 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其皮肤纹理 细致雕塑出头发及胡子的纹理 多达30个可动关节素体 约30.5cm高 8只可替换全新雕刻手掌包括 一对放松手掌 一对张开手掌 一对握激光剑手掌 两只摆姿势左手掌 头雕均由人手涂装 服饰造型: 一件深啡色內衣 一件米色长衣 一件啡色绝地武士长袍 一条深啡色仿皮腰带 一条米白色长裤 一对深啡色仿皮长靴 武器: 一把LED发光蓝色激光剑(蓝光,需电池启动) 一个蓝色动态光剑刃(可配置在光剑柄上) 一把激光剑柄 配件: 一个Comlink (通讯器) 三件Battle Droid机械兵残骸地台配件 特别设计印有电影logo及Obi-Wan Kenobi**的地台及两张可替换地台卡 造型师: 头雕师: Kojun 涂装师: JC. Hong & E-lee 头雕美术指导: JC. Hong & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. "It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!" – Obi-Wan Kenobi Legendary Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi is fans’ beloved character in the Star Wars galaxy! Gifted in the ways of the Force, he fought alongside Qui-Gon Jinn, trained Anakin Skywalker, and served as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars. In Star War Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, fans finally witness the conflict and climatic battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin who had turned to the Dark Side! Hot Toys is very excited to officially present today, the new 1/6th scale collectible figure of Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith! Sophisticatedly crafted based on the appearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi in the film, the 1/6th scale collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt with stunning likeness, a skillfully tailored Jedi robe and tunic, a LED light-up lightsaber, severed battle droid parts and a specially designed figure base with interchangeable graphic cards! Don’t pass up on the chance to add the new Obi-Wan Kenobi collectible figure to your Star Wars collection! Hot Toys – MMS477 - Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith- 1/6th scale Obi-Wan Kenobi Collectible Figure ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ The 1/6th scale Obi-Wan Kenobi Collectible Figure specially features: - Authentic and detailed likeness of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, beard, and skin texture - Body with over 30 points of articulations - Approximately 30.5 cm tall - Eight (8) pieces of newly sculpted interchangeable hands including: - One (1) pair of relaxed hands - One (1) pair of open hands - One (1) pair of hands for holding lightsaber - Two (2) gesturing left hands - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume: - One (1) brown-colored under-tunic - One (1) beige-colored tunic - One (1) brown-colored Jedi robe - One (1) brown leather-like belt - One (1) pair of beige-colored pants - One (1) pair of brown leather-like boots Weapons: - One (1) LED-lighted blue lightsaber (blue light, battery operated) - One (1) blue lightsaber blade in motion (attachable to the hilt) - One (1) lightsaber hilt Accessory: - One (1) Comlink - Three (3) pieces of security battle droid remains - Interchangeable graphic cards - Specially designed figure stand with Obi-Wan Kenobi nameplate and movie logo Artists: - Head Sculpted by Kojun - Head Painted by JC. Hong & E-Lee - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2019 **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. Hot Toys 1/6《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》欧比旺.肯诺比 豪华版 (MMS478) 精心打造全新头雕,充分表现出演员伊万麦克格雷格(Ewan McGregor)於《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》电影中欧比旺肯诺比一角的面部轮廓及表情 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其皮肤纹理 细致雕塑出头发及胡子的纹理 多达30个可动关节素体 约30.5cm高 8只可替换全新雕刻手掌包括 一对放松手掌 一对张开手掌 一对握激光剑手掌 两只摆姿势左手掌 头雕均由人手涂装 服饰造型: 一件深啡色內衣 一件米色长衣 一件啡色绝地武士长袍 一条深啡色仿皮腰带 一条米白色长裤 一对深啡色仿皮长靴 武器: 一把LED发光蓝色激光剑(蓝光,需电池启动) 一个蓝色动态光剑刃(可配置在光剑柄上) 一把激光剑柄 配件: 一个Comlink (通讯器) 三件Battle Droid机械兵残骸地台配件 一个婴儿卢克天行者*** 一个安纳金天行者全息影像雕像*** 一个达斯缠迪厄斯廷全息影像雕像*** 一个内置LED 灯效的仿全息影像装置*** 特别设计印有电影logo及Obi-Wan Kenobi**的地台及两张可替换地台卡 ***豪华版独有配件 造型师: 头雕师: Kojun 涂装师: JC. Hong & E-lee 头雕美术指导: JC. Hong & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. "Bring balance to the force… not leave it in darkness!" Legendary Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi is fans’ beloved character in the Star Wars galaxy! Gifted in the ways of the Force, he fought alongside Qui-Gon Jinn, trained Anakin Skywalker, and served as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars. In Star War Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, fans finally witness the conflict and climatic battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin who had turned to the Dark Side! Today, following the release of Hot Toys’ 1/6th scale Anakin Skywalker collectible figure, we are very excited to officially introduce the eagerly anticipated a Deluxe Version of 1/6th scale collectible figure of Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith! Sophisticatedly crafted based on the appearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi in the film, the 1/6th scale collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt with stunning likeness, a skillfully tailored Jedi robe and tunic, a LED light-up lightsaber, severed battle droid parts and a specially designed figure base with interchangeable graphic cards! Moreover, this Deluxe Version will exclusively include hologram figures of Darth Sidious and Anakin with LED light-up table and a baby Luke Skywalker! Prepare your display shelves and add this remarkable Obi-Wan Kenobi (Deluxe Version) collectible figure to your Star Wars collection! Hot Toys – MMS478 - Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith- 1/6th scale Obi-Wan Kenobi (Deluxe Version) Collectible Figure ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ The 1/6th scale Obi-Wan Kenobi (Deluxe Version) Collectible Figure specially features: - Authentic and detailed likeness of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, beard, and skin texture - Body with over 30 points of articulations - Approximately 30.5 cm tall - Eight (8) pieces of newly sculpted interchangeable hands including: - One (1) pair of relaxed hands - One (1) pair of open hands - One (1) pair of hands for holding lightsaber - Two (2) gesturing left hands - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume: - One (1) brown-colored under-tunic - One (1) beige-colored tunic - One (1) brown-colored Jedi robe - One (1) brown leather-like belt - One (1) pair of beige-colored pants - One (1) pair of brown leather-like boots Weapons: - One (1) LED-lighted blue lightsaber (blue light, battery operated) - One (1) blue lightsaber blade in motion (attachable to the hilt) - One (1) lightsaber hilt Accessory: - One (1) Comlink - Three (3) pieces of security battle droid remains - One (1) baby Luke Skywalker*** - One (1) hologram figure of Anakin Skywalker*** - One (1) hologram figure of Darth Sidious*** - One (1) LED – lighted security hologram table** - Interchangeable graphic cards - Specially designed figure stand with Obi-Wan Kenobi nameplate and movie logo Artists: - Head Sculpted by Kojun - Head Painted by JC. Hong & E-Lee - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong *** Exclusive to Deluxe Version Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2019 **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. |