【Hot Toys呈獻NETFLIX《航海王》莫奇.D.路飛1:6比例珍藏人偶與草帽海賊團前往偉大航道 喚醒你想要成為海賊王的夢!】
NETFLIX獨家改編自日本經典少年漫畫 《海賊王》的真人版影集《航海王》正式上線!一連八集的NETFLIX《航海王》以「大海賊時代」為背景,講述海賊莫奇.D.路飛為了大秘寶「ONE PIECE」和成為海賊的夢想,決定在海洋航行冒險故事。Hot Toys 首次以Netflix串流平台影集發展可動珍藏人偶,率先以《航海王》打頭陣,為主角莫奇.D.路飛及劍術大師羅洛亞·卓洛打造真人版 1:6比例珍藏人偶,揚帆展開尋找寶藏的偉大航程!
擅長運用巧手工藝和極致細膩審美標準製作珍藏人偶的Hot Toys,為配合影集《航海王》於今天上線的強勁聲勢,再度結集團隊一眾精英,忠實根據影集原作設定與墨西哥演員 Iñaki Godoy 飾演外號「草帽小子」莫奇.D.路飛一角,透過「Television Masterpiece Series」製作模式,首次打造其1:6比例珍藏人偶!頭雕由Hot Toys 頭雕師所全新雕製,細膩配置了磁石裝拆於頭雕,以及背上的標誌性草帽連真皮掛繩; 頭雕選用了稚氣掛上微笑表情,也細膩地加上標誌性的左眼下方一道傷疤; 更有一頭黑色捲髮髮雕可配換,豐富的配件讓粉絲可以將人物生動活潑的造型淋漓演繹!同時配置可動眼球以表現不同神韻,細膩呈現天真爛漫與懷抱偉大夢想的大男孩角色。
“So, I’m setting out to follow my dreams. I’m gonna be King of the Pirates.” – Luffy
With his straw hat and ragtag crew, young pirate Monkey D. Luffy goes on an epic voyage for treasure in this live-action adaptation of the popular manga. Throughout his adventure, Luffy has displayed incredible powers through the power of the Devil Fruit, giving fans some of the most intriguing and creative attacks on screen.
Celebrating the release of Netflix’s ONE PIECE, Hot Toys is delighted to present the beloved character - Monkey D. Luffy in 1/6th scale collectible figure. He is now sailing the seas to search for the treasure!
The greatly-detailed Monkey D. Luffy figure features a newly developed head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs and interchangeable hair sculpture for his hat look. Luffy wears his iconic red vest, blue pants and boots painted with weathering effects. The highly-poseable body comes with a pair of interchangeable arms and right leg in extended form to recreate his special rubber-based attacks, smoke effect accessories attachable to arms, a purple Devil Fruit, and a figure base.
Pre-order the figure and set off for the Grand Line with the legendary Pirate King.
The 1/6th scale Monkey D. Luffy Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D Luffy in One Piece
- One (1) newly developed head sculpt with separate rolling eyeball function and two (2) styles of interchangeable hair sculptures
- Highly-accurate facial expression with detail skin texture
- Approximately 31 cm tall
- Newly developed body with over 30 points of articulations
- One (1) pair of interchangeable arms extended
- One (1) interchangeable right leg extended
- Nine (9) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of open hands
- One (1) pair of relax hands
- One (1) pair of gesture hands
- One (1) finger pointing right hand
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-printed
- One (1) red colored vest
- One (1) pair of blue colored denim pants
- One (1) belt
- One (1) pair of brown shoes
- One (1) straw-like hat
- One (1) devil fruit
- One (1) pair of smoke effect accessories (attachable to extended arms)
- Specially designed dynamic figure stand with character nameplate
Release Date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2024
*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details can subject to change without further notice
邓先生:13922348555 黄小姐:13802908680
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