
HotToys新品:1/6《闪电侠》-蝙蝠侠&摩托车#单人版/套装版 MMS703/MMS704/MMS705
来源:HOTTOYS | 作者:binglinhang | 发布时间: 2023-06-08 | 531 次浏览 | 分享到:

【Hot Toys 搶先《閃電俠》電影上映以皇牌MMS系列推出蝙蝠俠1:6比例珍藏人偶及Batcycle 1:6比例珍藏品 曝光新款蝙蝠俠戰衣和Batcycle!】
《閃電俠》個人電影延續《正義聯盟》故事,巴利艾倫運用他的超能力穿越時空拯救母親,卻造成意想不到的後果。他**可以做的,就是說服一個與別不同的蝙蝠俠重出江湖,並從獄中拯救一位跟他想像中全不一樣的超人出來協助,當中數位 「正義聯盟」成員更會以新戰衣造型亮相。Hot Toys 今日鐵定搶先電影上映,推出《閃電俠》蝙蝠俠1:6比例珍藏人偶及Batcycle 1:6比例珍藏品,率先與廣大影迷展示*新蝙蝠俠戰衣及新款Batcycle,為電影揭開序幕!
整套全新蝙蝠俠戰衣將採用電影特技級別的高端合成戲服模式,選用了具彈性與質感的布料剪裁縫製,並仔細飾有仔細的線條紋理,胸口位置飾有新設計的蝙蝠Logo (胸甲可展開以調節蝙蝠Logo大小),同時細緻還原上呈金屬感的黑色和灰色裝甲與金屬金色的裝備腰帶,裝甲附有布製橡筋圈穩固於人偶素體上,手臂護甲配有招牌倒鉤;同時配合上一件以高質布料獨特裁剪而成的全新海軍藍色斗篷,邊緣設有鐵線能營造出自然下墜感,讓電影造型被足本呈現到人偶身上。與此同時,Hot Toys團隊更為角色重新塑造一個高33cm、逾30個可動關節的壯實魁梧人偶素體,優化肌肉線條,確保肌肉素體的外觀線條更加完整自然。同時,Hot Toys 更參照蝙蝠俠面相而製作了兩個蝙蝠俠面罩頭,分別是頸項配有分件設計和無縫設計,均以可動眼球技術打造和可配換上3款全新雕製的下半臉部配件,讓玩家們可隨意替換表情及調節眼睛角度,完美捕捉蝙蝠俠凌厲的眼神和嘴部表情。隨人偶更配置一柄勾爪槍、三個蝙蝠飛鏢與一個參考《閃電俠》電影海報中,閃電俠獨自站在高處,俯視著整個城市的背影而特別設計、印有蝙蝠俠標誌並配有LED 燈效的《閃電俠》系列人偶地台。
【《閃電俠》Batcycle 1:6比例珍藏品】
在《閃電俠》,蝙蝠俠騎著新款蝙蝠電單車Batcycle高速奔馳,與反派展開追逐戰,場面驚險刺激,當中新款Batcycle被受高度關注!Hot Toys根據《閃電俠》電影的原著按比例縮細製作,前端為雙車輪設計,尺寸為高20.5cm、闊16cm、長56.5cm,配有銀灰色的裝甲型車身,表現出厚重的金屬質感,精心打造每項細節,如車身置中的引擎系統、可轉動的前後巨型車輪、車頭前端的一對車側飛彈發射器、搭載於後輪的彈弓避震、手把、腳踏細節,以及襟翼具有可動關節功能等等,更有一組車輛衝撞配件可裝置於蝙蝠電單車上。此外,Batcycle附有LED 亮燈裝置可以USB 及 3枚3A 電池供電,燈效設於車頭、車尾,以及引擎邊沿亦可透出淡淡的白光,放置Hot Toys蝙蝠俠1:6比例珍藏人偶以模擬角色風馳電掣的電影臨場感!

Worlds are colliding in The Flash when Barry Allen uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to alter the events of the past. On this top speed journey, he is meeting that alternate universe version of Batman in the next evolution of Batsuit too! How exciting!

Explores a multiverse of DC Comics heroes and gadgets in The Flash movie, Hot Toys proudly presents Batman and Batcycle as 1/6th scale collectible set to expand on The Flash collectible series!

The highly-detailed Batman collectible figure features a newly developed cowled head with separate rolling eyeballs and three interchangeable lower faces capture different expressions, an extra cowled head with separate rolling eyeballs and seamless neck joint; also a specialized body highlighting his muscular physique. The screen-accurate Batman outfit in silver grey scheme embellished with distinct texture shows signs of weathering, comes with adjustable armors around chest and foot, sculpted utility belt in metallic gold and wired fabric cape; detailed weapons including grapple device, Batarangs. and a specially designed LED lighted display stand with Batman logo.
Based off of the exciting vehicle seen in The Flash trailer, the one-sixth scale Batcycle Collectible Vehicle is recreated with extreme precision and fine painting applications, measures 56cm in length, features LED light up function design (USB power operated) on head and tail lights, adjustable-degree handlebar and wheels, rotatable rubber wheels given a realistic tread pattern, an attachable vehicle ramming accessory, also highly-accurate mechanical details showcased on the side-mounted weapons, engine, frame, and exhaust, comes with display bases.
Reserve space in your collection for the new Batman figure!