
HotToys 新品:1/6 AC05D55 复联:机甲突击- BLACK PANTHER 黑豹
来源:HOTTOYS | 作者:binglinhang | 发布时间: 2023-04-04 | 331 次浏览 | 分享到:

Hot Toys 現以Artist Collection Series 發佈《漫威復仇者聯盟: 機甲突擊》系列中,首款黑豹珍藏人偶,黑豹組裝上一套強大的突擊裝甲,採用合金珍藏人偶模式打造,同時可轉換成兩種黑豹形態,快來展開您的機甲突擊系列!
是次Hot Toys推出黑豹珍藏人偶,設計概念源自《漫威復仇者聯盟: 機甲突擊》中,復仇者聯盟需要強大機甲,來抵禦銀河系攻擊,同時特別邀請了曾為MARVEL 《鐵甲奇俠》、《復仇者聯盟》、《黑豹》等炙手可熱電影中擔任概念插畫師的Adi Granov,為黑豹角色原創繪製平面裝甲插畫,同時3D設計師Pia Sylphid 巧奪天工地把設計立體化,打造富強勁裝甲的全新形象!Hot Toys 憑着一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,採用合金素材製作,高約35cm、備有逾30個可動關節全新黑豹裝甲素體,保留角色標誌性元素,為裝甲注入帶有啞光效果的黑、銀、紫配色,並加入銀色仿爪形條紋,胸口位置設有駕駛艙,內置迷你黑豹模擬操縱黑豹裝甲;胸口駕駛艙、頭盔雙眼、手臂及大腿關節設有LED亮燈功能,而且裝甲上的紫色瓦干達文字配用特效塗裝,於UV燈光照射下呈現特別效果;*讓人驚喜的是這款黑豹人偶具備轉換型態模式,配有一個雙眼備LED亮燈功能的黑豹動物頭、頸項、手掌、腳掌和具可動關節的尾巴,組裝成黑豹動物形態 (高約18cm),躍動感極強,超出您對Figure固有想像!此外,人偶還配備一枝長矛、一個盾、一把長劍和三對不同動態的黑豹專用銳爪手掌供玩家替換,出神入化地做出多項攻擊形態,為珍藏人偶迷帶來誠意之作!

In the face of an overwhelming threat, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have assembled a powerful new set of tools! T’Challa is transforming from King of Wakanda level up with the Mech Strike armors, with each mech designed for a specific hero. Mounted with new jet-powered talons and Mech shield, the incredible mech suit is powered by Wakanda’s most valuable and rarest resource, vibranium.

Introducing the first collectible from the Marvel’s Avengers Mech Strike line up – Black Panther as diecast collectible figure with 2 ways to display. Based on illustrator Adi Granov’s unique perception of the Black Panther armor and stylish intersection of the suit in panther mode.

Designed to capture the reimagined appearance of Black Panther Mech Strike armor, the diecast figure measures 35cm tall features a newly crafted helmet head with LED-light up function; detailed recreation of a tech advanced suit in matte black, silver and purple highlighted with purple luminous reflective effect patterns; LED light-up function design on eyes, chest, and palms; comes with weapons including spear, shield, sword, ring blade, multiple pairs of interchangeable hands, and a figure stand. The Mech Strike armor figure also enables “Panther Mode” display by adopting parts such as LED lighted panther head, paws, and an articulated tail.

Kick start your Mech Strike collection with the Black Panther figure today!

The Black Panther Collectible Figure specially features:
- Captures the reimagined appearance of Black Panther from Marvel’s Avengers: Mech Strike by artist Adi Granov
- One (1) finely crafted helmet head with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
- Approximately 35 cm tall
- Over 30 points of articulations
- Contains diecast material
- Special features on armor:
- Matte black, silver and purple colored mech armor design
- Specially applied luminous reflective effects patterns in purple
- Cockpit hatch on the figure’s body can open and close; includes a pilot miniature (non-detechable)
- LED-light up function design equipped on eyes, chest, and palms (white light, battery operated)
- LED-light up function design equipped around shoulders and thighs (purple light, battery operated)
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fist
- One (1) pair of weapon holding hands
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
- Includes additional parts for Panther mode:
- One (1) LED lighted head with neck (white light, battery operated)
- Four (4) paws
- One (1) articulated tail
- Articulations on waist armor which allow flexible movement

- One (1) spear
- One (1) shield
- One (1) sword

- A themed figure stand with character nameplate

- Figure Designed by Adi Granov
- Figure 3D designed by Pia Sylphid

Release date:   Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2024

*Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required
***Luminous reflective effect can be activated by UV black light torch (not included)
****Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

(C) 2023 Marvel.
(C) 2023 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.

*More about Adi Granov:
Adi Granov works as an illustrator and designer primarily for Marvel. His most notable works include the Iron Man: Extremis series and his role as a conceptual designer on movies such as Iron Man 1, 2 and 3, the Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther. He worked on key character designs and created keyframe illustrations for the action sequences.