【MARVEL《假如…?》Captain Carter 1:6比例珍藏人偶 首位女性隊長誕生】
Marvel 2021年的第4部劇集《假如…?》**季正式開播。本劇根據Marvel漫畫《假如…?》改編而來,選擇以動畫的形式展現觀眾熟悉的Marvel世界,並提出大膽假設。Hot Toys 現緊接動畫影集《假如…?》上線,足本參照**集 「假如Captain Carter成為首位復仇者?」,推出Captain Carter 1:6比例珍藏人偶!
故事發生在第二次世界大戰期間,當時Steve Rogers準備注射「超級士兵血清」,然而當時Peggy Carter選擇留在實驗現場,於是產生了新的故事線。一名九頭蛇間諜潛入了實驗現場,他射殺了超級士兵計畫的Chester Phillips,同時他還射傷了Steve Rogers,*終由英國女特工Peggy Carter代替Steve Rogers接受超級士兵血清,成為一個銳不可檔的英國隊長。Hot Toys憑着一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,為Peggy Carter塑造出高逾29cm、具28個可動關節的微肌肉感的女性人偶素體。同時根據角色在動畫中的設定,利用高清擬人技術把動畫角色真人化Peggy Carter頭雕,細緻還原上角色的五官輪廓、仿真人般的皮膚紋理、40年代的啡色大捲中長髮髮型 (配兩款髮雕造型以供替換) 與樸實自然的妝容。此外,Hot Toys製作團隊以真人化服飾打造整套以藍、紅、白色為主調的英國隊長戰衣,細節包括: 透過剪裁車線製成服飾上的立體層次感、胸口上飾有英國國旗圖案、飾有仿皮革紋理的肩背帶、腰間掛上一條附有多功能儲物袋的腰帶和配有活動關節的啡色戰靴等等。隨人偶還配備有一個英國隊長盾牌、一柄手槍、多對造型手掌及人偶地台連地台咭。
【What If...? - 1/6th scale Captain Carter Collectible Figure】
“Her one choice gave birth to a whole new history and gave the multiverse a new hero.” – The Watcher
What If… Captain Carter was the First Avenger? After an ambush in the lab, Peggy Carter steps in and takes the Super Soldier serum and uses her newfound power and strength to charge right into battle.
Inspired by Marvel Studios’ What If? animation series, Hot Toys proudly presents today Captain Carter as highly-detailed 1/6th scale collectible figure from another universe.
Beautifully crafted based on the appearance of Captain Carter in the animation series, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt and interchangeable brown curly hair sculptures with stunning likeness, finely tailored outfit in red, blue and white color scheme, Captain Carter’s signature shield, sword, pistol, and figure stand.
Let your Marvel collection grow today by adding the new Captain Carter 1/6th scale collectible figure!
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