Hot Toys 新品:1/6 MMS575《复联4:终局之战》 - Captain Marvel 惊奇队长2.0
发布时间: 2020-04-28
714 次浏览
Hot Toys 繼推出了一系列《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》電影珍藏產品,包括: 黑寡婦、鐵甲奇俠Mark LXXXV、美國隊長、雷神、鷹眼、變型俠醫、Rescue、Nebula、火箭、戰爭機器、Iron Patriot 和魁隆的1:6珍藏人偶與Nano Gauntlet 1:1、1:4珍藏品後,現壓軸推出《復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰》*強超級女英雄之一Marvel 隊長1:6比例珍藏人偶,以完滿整個終局之戰陣容! 全新金色短髮造型的Marvel 隊長人偶頭雕是由Hot Toys韓國團隊細緻刻劃出演員貝兒娜森所飾演Marvel 隊長一角的面部輪廓及表情神態,搭配一頭金色飄逸短髮,散發出自信的光彩。Hot Toys根據演員貝兒娜森 (Brie Larson) 的身型比例而設計出一個高約29cm、具28個可動關節的人偶素體,同時,製作出全套金屬紅、藍色緊身戰衣,更於胸前飾有標誌性的金色星星圖案,還有腰部的裙擺細節,具豐富層次感之餘更充滿科幻感。除了特別於前臂上配有LED 發光燈效,可裝配上透明仿特效的拳頭、仿能量護臂和能量特效組件外,更特別配備了一個1:6比例的Nano Gauntlet 珍藏品配件,Nano Gauntlet 內置LED 發光燈效,細膩還原Nano Gauntlet手套上的逼真裝甲細節和戰損舊化效果。 “Because before, you didn’t have me.” – Captain Marvel One of the Marvel’s most powerful super heroes, Captain Marvel joins the Avengers as the key to defeat Thanos. Arrives from space, the hero proceeds to completely destroy the warship, and attempts to stop Thanos from wielding the Nano Gauntlet with her special power. Ever since her debut, Captain Marvel has become immensely popular in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As seen in the final battle between the super heroes and the warlord, Hot Toys is excited to present today the latest 1/6th scale Captain Marvel collectible figure from the incredible Avengers: Endgame collection. Beautifully crafted based on the appearance of Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the movie, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with short hairstyle, a specially designed body equipped with LED light-up function on both sides of the forearms, the iconic red and blue costume with gold star emblem on chest and sash around waist in movie-accurate perfection, multiple energy-blasting effect accessories wearable on arms and hands, LED light-up Nano Gauntlet painted and battle damaged effects, and a movie-themed dynamic figure stand for wide range of aerial poses! The new Captain Marvel figure is a sure way to show off your Marvel fandom! The 1/6th scale Captain Marvel Collectible Figure specially features: - Authentic and detailed likeness of Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame - Newly developed head sculpt with authentic likeness of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel in the movie - Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed skin texture and make-up - Short blond hair sculpture - Body with over 28 points of articulations and LED-light up function on forearms (battery operated) - Approximately 29cm tall - Three (3) pairs of blue-colored interchangeable gloved hands including: - One (1) pair of fists - One (1) pair of relaxed hands - One (1) pair of gesture hands - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume: - One (1) newly tailored metallic red and blue Captain Marvel suit with shoulder armor and star emblem on chest - One (1) pair of metallic blue and gold colored gauntlets - One (1) metallic blue colored belt with sash - One (1) pair of metallic blue colored boots Accessories: - One (1) battle damaged Nano Gauntlet mounted with six Infinity Stones (LED light-up function, battery operated) - One (1) pair of translucent blue colored interchangeable energy-blasting effect fists - One (1) pair of interchangeable translucent blue colored energy-blasting gauntlets - One (1) pair of translucent blue energy-blasting effect accessories (attachable on hands) - One (1) pair of translucent blue colored effect accessories (attachable on forearms) - A movie themed dynamic figure base stand with character name Artists: - Head Sculpted by Jang So Young - Head Painted by E-Lee & JC. Hong - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2021 **Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval **Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required. **Product details are subject to change without further notice (C)2020 Marvel. (C)2020 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.