
HotToys 再版:1/6 MMS427D19 压铸合金《蜘蛛侠:返校季》- 钢铁侠MK47( Mark XLVII)
来源:HOTTOYS | 作者:binglinhang | 发布时间: 2020-01-16 | 836 次浏览 | 分享到:


Hot Toys現宣佈《蜘蛛俠: 強勢回歸》鐵甲奇俠Mark XLVII 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶載譽歸來,透過質感實在的合金裝甲素材打造出冷酷有型的鐵甲奇俠,結合複雜的機械結構、強而有力的可動關節及招牌式內置LED發光功能,為MARVEL 超級粉絲絕不能缺少的好物!

鐵甲奇俠Mark XLVII是以合金素材,精心打造出高約32cm、備有逾30個可動關節的裝甲素體,細緻地於整個機體上掃上極強金屬感的獨有配色,把上半身的頭盔、胸口和下半身的小腿裝甲配上了鐵甲奇俠經典的紅、金雙色;而其腰部至大腿部分則配上金屬銀和金屬黑銀色,極之實在的裝甲質感,以1:6比例合金珍藏人偶姿態精確呈現。胸甲採用可拆卸裝置,展現了獨特複雜和高科技的内部結構。整個Mark XLVII機體具有的28個發光系統細節,分佈在全身多個不同位置。此套人偶除了配備一個內置LED 亮燈功能的裝甲頭盔和一個無人駕駛型態頭盔外,更附有一個Tony Stark蠟像級頭雕以供替換,頭雕由Hot Toys 韓國團隊參照Tony Stark面部輪廓精心打造,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。此外,更為Tony Stark頭雕加設一副太陽眼鏡。隨人偶附上兩個噴火式遙控推進器及一部迷你版無人戰機,基本裝備包括: 一對可裝置在手臂上的導彈、一對可替換的肩甲、一對仿飛行模式的噴射手掌、一對可裝置於人偶腳底的飛行噴射組件以及一個電影主題的人偶地台。

Gained incredible popularity in the initial release, Hot Toys is excited reissue the amazing 1/6th scale Mark XLVII Collectible Figure from Spider-Man: Homecoming for fans who have missed their pre-order opportunity earlier!

With remarkable movie-accuracy, the 1/6th scale diecast figure standing approximately 32cm tall features the streamlined armor painted in metallic red and gold colors and a distinctive two-toned silver color around the mid-section, LED light-up functions scattered throughout the armor, a newly painted Tony Stark head sculpt, an interchangeable LED light-up helmeted head, an interchangeable empty helmet emulating the suit in remote control mode, highly detailed accessories including a pair of glasses wearable on Tony’s head sculpt, mini-repulsors deployer with two articulated mini-repulsors, thrust fire effect parts and a specially designed figure stand.

It’s the perfect chance to recruit this remarkable Iron Man figure to your Marvel collection!