
Hot Toys 新品:《复联4:终局之战》系列 - 蚁人及利维坦COSBABY (L)人偶套装
来源:HOTTOYS | 作者:binglinhang | 发布时间: 2020-01-02 | 862 次浏览 | 分享到:
Hot Toys推出漫威《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》蚁人及利维坦COSBABY (L)珍藏人偶套装

(2019年12月18日) 本年度*瞩目漫威电影巨制《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》以27.94亿美元累积票房登上「影史上票房**电影」宝座!漫威影迷对一众超级英雄十分支持,而Hot Toys 过往推出多款《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》COSBABY 迷你珍藏人偶更是极速售罄,也非常感谢粉丝们对Hot Toys 的支持!世界知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys ( 乘势公布以23cm大尺寸比例打造《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》蚁人及利维坦COSBABY (L) 珍藏人偶套装,以巨大身躯击退灭霸大军!

Hot Toys除了精於高度还原1:6比例珍藏人偶外,还致力研发不同人偶系列,当中COSBABY迷你珍藏人偶系列是以趣致得意的baby form形态及Bobble-head 元素,把各式各样帅气英挺的电影角色化身为可爱的Q版人物,广受全球玩具迷爱戴及支持。在电影终局之战的一幕,奇异博士在*重要关头利用传送门把一众所有刚复活的复仇者成员丶魔法师丶银河护卫队丶瓦坎达军队等英雄们带到终局之战,而当中*为吸引眼球的是蚁人把身体放大变为巨人,以压倒性体型及战术,一拳把巨兽利维坦打翻在地,获全场影迷拍掌叫好!是次Hot Toys 以自家创制的COSBABY系列推出一套两款的《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》蚁人及利维坦 COSBABY (L)套装,当中包括有全套红丶银色战衣的蚁人COSBABY高逾23cm,其尺寸比一贯的COSBABY(S)人偶大了两倍多,突显出蚁人变大後的超然气势;而套装内配置的巨兽利维坦COSBABY 尺寸为高15.5 cm丶长7cm丶阔7cm,更配有透明支架,足以还原紧张刺激的一幕电影场景!

【Avengers: Endgame - Ant-Man and Leviathan Cosbaby (L) Bobble-Head Collectible Set】

The tiniest but mightiest force known to man and the member of the Avengers, Ant-Man is armed with amazing ability to alter the scale, mass, and strength. Inspired by one of the thrilling scenes from Avengers: Endgame, Hot Toys is excited to share with fans the latest Cosbaby figures featuring Ant-Man and Leviathan in supersized form!

The collectible set captures the oversized Giant-Man in his signature Ant-Man helmet and red suit punching at a Leviathan with superhuman strength. Includes a common diorama collectible base inspired by the final battle scene. Ant-Man with bobble-head function stands approximately 23cm tall; Leviathan is a non-articulated figure measures approximately 15.5cm in height and 7cm in length.

Recreate the epic struggle between the Avengers and Thanos with the massive Avengers: Endgame line-up!