世界知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys现率先推出三款潘尼怀斯造型的COSBABY, 包括: 潘尼怀斯丶潘尼怀斯(连气球版)及潘尼怀斯(连断手版)COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶供粉丝选购!
潘尼怀斯是个可以任意改变形态的恶灵,而它选用了小丑的形象,将本来是为人类带来欢笑的形象颠覆成了恐怖的梦魇! Hot Toys除了精於高度还原1:6比例珍藏人偶外,还致力研发不同人偶系列, COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶除了将各式各样帅气英挺的电影角色化身为可爱的Q版人物外, 更首次以COSBABY形态,开发制作惊悚电影人物角色,务求满足不同粉丝的要求! 设计团队跟据电影设定,特别拣选了潘尼怀斯三个*经典的造型,推出了取材自电影中它伸出异常长舌造型的潘尼怀斯COSBABY (S)丶 手上拿着断臂造型的潘尼怀斯 (连断手版)Cosbaby (S) 及手上拿着印有「I 爱心Derry」气球兼配有仿雨水及小纸船造型的潘尼怀斯(连气球版)COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶。
IT Chapter Two Pennywise Cosbaby
“Something happens to you when you leave this town. The farther away, the hazier it all gets. But me, I never left. I remember all of it.”
A call from Mike Hanlon changed everything! Twenty-seven years after the events of the summer of 1989, Pennywise returns. The Losers’ Club fulfilled their promises and returned to Derry to put an end to the evil being once and for all. Unbeknownst to them, Pennywise has returned, stronger and crueler than ever.
Based on the latest blockbuster IT Chapter Two, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce the brand new Cosbaby line-up featuring the terrifying Pennywise! This unforgettable character with bright orange hair wearing vintage clown costume will come in various poses and signature props including, Pennywise, Pennywise with Balloon, and Pennywise with Broken Arm to recreate the most iconic scenes from the movie! Each Cosbaby from this series stands approximately 10.5 – 11.5cm in height.
Pick up the nightmare-inducing Cosbaby to spread the fear. IT will have great presence in your horror display!