HotToys 新品:1/6 MMS535《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》- Spider-Man/蜘蛛侠 可动人偶
发布时间: 2019-06-10
621 次浏览
‘So nice to finally meet you, Spider-Man.’ – Nick Fury. Spider-Man: Far From Home is hitting theatres in less than a month. In this upcoming sequel of Spider-Man, Peter is going to take a break from school, from crime fighting, from being “Spider-Man”! He will be travelling with his friends across Europe, yet their tour is interrupted by a series of threatening events. Our beloved neighborhood Spidey must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever. Capturing the web-slinging adventures of everyone’s favorite wall-crawler, Hot Toys is excited to present the 1/6th scale Spider-Man Collectible Figure (Movie Promo Edition) inspired by the upcoming blockbuster as a special release! The movie-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the appearance of Spider-Man in the movie. It features a finely developed masked head sculpt with four pairs of interchangeable eye pieces to create numerous Spider-Man’s expressions, expertly tailored Spider-Man battle outfit suit with fine details, a pair of magnetically attachable web-wings, a variety of spider-web shooting effect parts, and a dynamic figure stand. Hot Toys fans shouldn’t pass up the chance to pick up this one-of-a-kind Spider-Man figure that is available exclusively in selected markets! The 1/6th scale Spider-Man Collectible Figure (Movie Promo Edition) specially features: - Authentic and detailed likeness of Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home - A masked head sculpt with four (4) pairs of interchangeable Spider-Man eye pieces that can create numerous combinations of Spider-Man’s expressions - Body with 30 points of articulation - Approximately 28.5 cm tall - Ten (10) pieces of interchangeable hands with black cobweb pattern including: • One (1) pair of fists • One (1) pair of relaxed hands • One (1) pair of palms for cobweb shooting • One (1) pair of palms for cobweb swinging • One (1) pair of open hands Costume : - One (1) newly developed red and blue colored Spider-Man suit embossed with grayish black trims, cobweb pattern and black spider emblem on chest - One (1) pair of red-color boots embossed with grayish black cobweb pattern - Two (2) pairs of black-color web-shooters - One (1) pair of magnetic web-wings Accessories: - One (1) open spider web effect accessory - Five (5) strings of spider web in different shapes and lengths, attachable to the web-shooters - A dynamic figure stand with Spider-Man nameplate, movie logo and interchangeable graphic card Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2019 ** Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice Hot Toys推出《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》蜘蛛侠(电影期间限定)1:6比例珍藏人偶
内地限量发售 漫威年度巨献《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》内地已定档6月28日,抢先美国上映,更是《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》后的首部漫威电影,同时亦是漫威电影字宙第3阶段的真正结束。电影讲述经历终局之战后,彼得•帕克回复学生身分,重新投入校园生活。正当他决定小别超级英雄的繁重工作,与好友结伴踏上欧洲之旅,神盾局局长尼克•弗瑞却突然现身,通知他世界各地正受到各种元素怪物侵袭。游学之旅被迫喊停,彼得•帕克唯有重披战衣,再一次肩负拯救地球的重任。知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys 於电影上映前,推出《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》蜘蛛侠(电影期间限定) 1:6比例珍藏人偶,内地限量发售,势必引爆预购热潮! 此款蜘蛛侠战衣是托尼·斯塔克为彼得·帕克所特制的,充分代表着托尼与彼得的情义。Hot Toys特别按照角色的身形比例,塑造出一个可动幅度出色的1:6比例蜘蛛侠专用素体,高约28.5cm丶具有逾30多个可动关节,可轻松呈现多种动作及战斗形态。是次蜘蛛侠(电影期间限定) 1:6比例珍藏人偶整体战衣上的外观丶线条和图案细节均继承了上集电影造型设定,将附上一款以红色弹性布料紧贴面形轮廓所缝制而成的幪头造型头雕,备上四对不同神态的眼睛配件,还原他在电影中的各种表情造型。此外,Hot Toys团队选用上高质弹性布材缝制整套贴身的蜘蛛侠战衣,让人偶无碍於穿上战衣後所受束缚之馀同时突显蜘蛛侠战衣的极高活动功能,还原蜘蛛侠各种飞檐走壁的高难度动作。此外,以质感及层次丰富的滴胶和丝印技术处理布料上的各项细节包括胸口上标志性的蜘蛛图案丶身上的网状线条与仿布纹细节等等,手腕位置装置上一对蜘蛛丝发射器 (Web Shooter) 能配置多款形态的蜘蛛丝 (另配有一对蜘蛛丝发射器以供替换),同时更配备上一对蜘蛛网翼 (Web Wing),可透过组件上的磁铁功能,磁贴在蜘蛛侠素体腋下位置,以模拟蜘蛛侠於空中滑翔的动态。 ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~
《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》蜘蛛侠(电影期间限定) 1:6比例珍藏人偶产品特点: - 以电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》为基础精心打造,忠实且细致地还原蜘蛛侠的造型设计 - 一个蒙面蜘蛛侠头部连4对可替换眼部配件 - 多达30个可动关节的蜘蛛侠专用素体 - 约28.5cm高 - 10只可替换手掌包括: - 一对拳头 - 一对放松手掌 - 一对撑地手掌 - 一对射蜘蛛丝手掌 - 一对握蜘蛛丝手掌 服饰造型: - 一件细致打造的红色及蓝色蜘蛛侠战衣连黑色蜘蛛网纹及蜘蛛型徽章 - 一对红色连黑色蜘蛛网纹长靴 - 两对黑色蜘蛛丝发射器 - 一对备有磁石功能的蜘蛛网翼 配件: - 一个蜘蛛网型特效配件 - 五条不同长度的仿蜘蛛丝(可装配在手腕蜘蛛丝发射器上) - 一个印有电影logo和角色**的动态地台连可替换地台卡 推出日期: 约2019年第3季至第4季 **图片所示只是产品原型,与*後完成产品或许会有少许分别 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知