
HotToys 新品:1/1 LMS008《复仇者联盟4.终局之战》- 纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版)
来源:HOTTOYS | 作者:binglinhang | 发布时间: 2019-05-27 | 566 次浏览 | 分享到:
The Avengers has taken a final stand against Thanos in Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame. In this long-awaited installment, the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes travelled back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones and created a new Nano Gauntlet. Hoping to bring everything back into existence, Hulk has stepped up as the person who wields the Gauntlet to save the universe from this massive chaos.

Received numerous positive feedbacks after its debut at Avengers: Endgame exhibition powered by Hot Toys, we are excited to announce officially the Nano Gauntlet Life Size Collectible – Hulk Version based on the last installment of the Infinity Saga!

Inspired by the cinematic debut of Iron Man’s classic red and gold suit, the Nano Gauntlet life-sized collectible with ultimate durability and authenticity stands approximately 71cm overall in height features detailed painting application to present the sleek design of this essential armor, also six LED light-up Infinity Stones with two lighting modes for alternative display, and a custom base that keeps the gauntlet in an upright position.

This incredible Hulk version of Nano Gauntlet collectible will undoubtedly be the centerpiece to your Marvel Cinematic Universe collection! 

The Nano Gauntlet Life-Size Collectible (Hulk Version) specially features:
- Expertly crafted with authentic and intricate details of Nano Gauntlet wielded by Hulk in Avengers: Endgame
- Movie-accurate size and proportion
- Approximately 71cm tall (base included)
- Specially applied metallic red, silver and gold color painting on the gauntlet design
- LED light up function for the Infinity Stones features 2 lighting modes including general light effect and breathing light effect (6 LED lights, battery operated)
- Specially designed custom base with movie logo

*Collectible is not wearable

Release date: Approximately Q4, 2020 – Q1, 2021

**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Light up function requires electricity supply
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

(C) 2019 Marvel.
(C)  2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.
《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版) 1:1比例珍藏品

Hot Toys除了创制高度还原电影角色的1:6比例珍藏人偶外,还致力研发各种不同的珍藏人偶系列,
是次透过一贯极高度像真的巧手工艺,以原大比例精心设计出逾高71cm丶长39cm丶深39cm (连底座) 的纳米手套1:1比例珍藏品。
细腻还原的纳米手套上的逼真装甲细节,掌背上镶嵌了6颗具LED 发光灯效的仿宝石,
同时配有一个印有《Avengers: Endgame》电影logo的座台式陈列地台,可为您的家居或办公室添上别具一格的电影感风格!

~ Life-Size Masterpiece Series ~
《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版)  1:1比例珍藏品产品特点:
-        精心细致制作,充分表现出绿巨人浩克於《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》电影中所佩带的纳米手套造型
-        高度还原无限手套在电影中的比列及尺寸
-        质感细腻丶像真度高的金属红色、银色及金色涂装
-        LED发光功能,备有长期开启及呼吸灯模式(6颗灯,需电池启动)
-        特别设计印有电影logo地台 
* 珍藏品不可戴於手上
推出日期:      约2020年第4季至2021年第1季
(C) 2019 Marvel.
(C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.