Hot Toys 推出三款《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》纳米手套珍藏品 1:1 比例纳米手套、1:4 比例纳米手套(复联別注版)珍藏品 及1:4比例纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版) (2018年5月10日) 万众瞩目的超级英雄电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》故事时间点接续上一集《复仇者联盟3:无限之战》, 奇异博士与灭霸打斗过程中看到了14, 000,605种可能的结果,*後选择把时间宝石交给灭霸, 似乎是**的成功方法,而且告诉托尼•斯塔克:「没有其他方法。」, *後影迷们亲眼见证了灭霸取得六颗无限宝石,凭着无限手套於弹指之间消灭宇宙一半人口,以完成平衡宇宙的大计。 世界知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys 全力配合电影宣传,已先后发布了一系列*新造型与装备的珍藏人偶产品, 现推出复仇者联盟不顾一切代价,进入「量子领域」穿越时空寻回无限宝石, 凭着纳米手套逆转无限的《复仇者联盟4: 终局之战》纳米手套珍藏品, 包括: 1:1比例纳米手套丶1:4比例纳米手套(复联别注版)及1:4 比例纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版)珍藏品。 ...................................................................................... 納米手套(绿巨人浩克版)1:4比例珍藏品 在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》电影中,除了灭霸和托尼•斯塔克透过无限手套和纳米手套运用六颗无 限宝石的力量外,绿巨人浩克亦於电影中透过无限手套,让早前被消灭的宇宙一半人口在弹指之间变回来。 Hot Toys 设计师参照了绿巨人浩克配戴上纳米手套的比例与造型细节,以1:4比例模式仔细呈现。 纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版)1:4比例珍藏品逾高22cm丶长10cm丶深10cm (连底座), 由於纳米手套是由托尼所研发,因此配用了钢铁侠装甲上的红丶金丶银色的配色, 同时细腻还原此手套细节,手指配有可动关节,掌背上镶嵌了6颗具LED 发光灯效的仿宝石,将附有闪烁与长期开启的两种发光模式, 除了地台底部备有发光开关制外,此纳米手套珍藏品更内置了轻触式发光功能,粉丝们**不容错过! ~ Accessories Collection Series ~ 《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》纳米手套(绿巨人浩克版) 1:4比例珍藏品产品特点: - 精心细致制作,充分表现出绿巨人浩克於《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》电影中所佩带的纳米手套造型 - 约22cm高 (包含地台) - 质感细腻丶像真度高的红色金属色系涂装 - LED发光功能,备有长期开启及呼吸灯模式(6颗灯,需电池启动) - 手指备有独立可动关节 - 特别设计印有电影logo地台 造型师: - 涂装师: Lok Ho 推出日期: 约2019年第3季至第4季 **图片所示只是产品原型,与*後完成产品或许会有少许分别 **产品不包括电池,需要三颗AAA电池 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 © 2019 Marvel. © 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. 【Avengers: Endgame - 1/4th scale Nano Gauntlet (Hulk Version) Collectible】 Avengers: Endgame has brought extraordinarily excited reactions in theatres. To undo the devastating damage done by Thanos, our beloved super heroes must gather to collect all the remarkably powerful Infinity Stones. Courtesy of Tony Stark, the Avengers has a one last chance to bring everyone back from chaos, and Hulk has stepped forward for this mission that leads everything to the unknown. With huge excitement, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce the highly anticipated 1/4th scale Nano Gauntlet (Hulk Edition) collectible inspired by Avengers: Endgame! The highly detailed collectible measures approximately 22cm overall features authentic and fine details of the Nano Gauntlet on Hulk’s arm. Six LED light-up Infinity Stones with two lighting modes including solid light effect and pulsing light effect, articulations on individual fingers developed for range of movement and different poses, and a specially designed custom base with movie logo that holds the gauntlet in an upright position. Pre-order this amazing Hulk Version of Nano Gauntlet collectible to jumpstart your Avengers: Endgame collection! 【Avengers: Endgame - 1/4th scale Nano Gauntlet (Movie Promo Edition) Collectible 】 The end is finally here. Set to be the grand conclusion to 22 movies in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Endgame has brought fans tons of memorable scenes filled with emotion and some of the greatest laughs. In the final showdown against Thanos, Iron Man decided to wield the Infinity Stones on his own Nano Gauntlet. Snap and save the universe, despite the fatal toll it takes. Today, Hot Toys is going to present the 1/4th scale Nano Gauntlet (Movie Promo Edition) collectible, based on the visual design work in the early production stage of Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame. Measuring approximately 19 cm tall, the newly introduced collectible features authentic details of Nano Gauntlet with phenomenal painting, six LED light up Infinity Stones with two lighting modes including solid light effect and pulsing light effect, articulations on individual fingers developed for movements and poses, and a specially designed custom base with movie logo that will hold the gauntlet in an upright position. This Movie Promo Edition of Nano Gauntlet collectible will surely be a phenomenal masterpiece for all Marvel fans’ collection! 納米手套(复联別注版)1:4比例珍藏品 是次Hot Toys 除了推出了纳米手套1:1比例珍藏品外,更参照了由托尼•斯塔克所配戴的纳米手套电影前期的设计概念图造型, 而特别推出了纳米手套(复联别注版) 1:4比例珍藏品,并於电影上映期间发布,**是漫威迷必抢之好物! Hot Toys透过一贯高度细致的巧手工艺,以1:4比例精心设计出逾高19cm丶长10cm丶深10cm (连底座) 的纳米手套(复联别注版) 1:4比例珍藏品, 配用上钢铁侠装甲上的红丶金丶银色的配色,细腻还原纳米手套上的手套细节,手指配有可动关节,掌背上镶嵌了6颗具LED 发光灯效的仿宝石, 将附有闪烁与长期开启的两种发光模式,除了地台底部备有发光开关制外,此纳米手套珍藏品更内置了轻触式发光功能,别具收藏与观赏价值。 ~ Accessories Collection Series ~ 《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》纳米手套(复联別注版)1:4比例珍藏品产品特点: - 精心细致制作,充分表现出於《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》电影前期制作中纳米手套(复联別注版)的概念造型 - 约19cm高 (包含地台) - 像真度高的红色金属色系及旧化效果涂装 - LED发光功能,备有长期开启及呼吸灯模式(6颗灯,需电池启动) - 手指备有独立可动关节 - 特别设计印有电影logo地台 造型师: - 涂装师: Lok Ho 推出日期: 约2019年第3季至第4季 **图片所示只是产品原型,与*後完成产品或许会有少许分别 **产品不包括电池,需要三颗AAA电池 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 (c) 2019 Marvel. (C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. 納米手套1:1比例珍藏品 Hot Toys除了创制高度还原电影角色的1:6比例珍藏人偶外,还致力研发各种不同的珍藏人偶系列, 是次透过一贯极高度像真的巧手工艺,以原大比例精心设计出逾高52cm丶长24cm丶深20cm (连底座) 的纳米手套1:1比例珍藏品。 此1:1比例珍藏品将足本按照由托尼•斯塔克於电影中所配戴的纳米手套比例与造型细节精心打造, 配用上钢铁侠装甲上的红丶金丶银色的配色,细腻还原纳米手套上的逼真装甲细节, 掌背上镶嵌了6颗具LED 发光灯效的仿宝石 (配用AC及 DC开关电源系统), 将附有持续发光与闪烁重现无限宝石闪耀着光芒模样的两种模式,整体散发着强烈电影感; 同时配有一个印有《Avengers: Endgame》电影logo的座枱式陈列地台,可为您的家居或办公室添上别具一格的电影感风格! 【Avengers: Endgame - Nano Gauntlet Life-Size Collectible】 Avengers: Endgame is a stunning finale to a great cinematic journey! After Thanos snapped his fingers and half the population disappeared in the universe, the remaining Avengers have been searching for a way to bring everyone back. Their last hope falls on this Nano Gauntlet, an ultimate weapon that is designed to channel the awesome powers of all Infinity Stones at once. Recreated with exacting attention to detail, Hot Toys proudly presents today the Nano Gauntlet in its real size and proportion as seen in the latest release by Marvel Studios! The Life-Size Collectible of this Nano Gauntlet is a faithful reproduction of the iconic gauntlet worn by Iron Man in the final act of Avengers: Endgame. Measuring approximately 52cm overall in height, it features accurate paint scheme with Iron Man armor’s classic red and gold, sophisticated hardware design, six LED light-up Infinity Stones with two lighting modes perfect for display, completed with a custom base that keeps the gauntlet in an upright position. Display this impressive Life-Size collectible with other Avengers members or on its own! It is an instantly recognizable collectible that will be an imposing addition to your favourite Marvel collection! ~ Life-Size Masterpiece Series ~ 《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》纳米手套 1:1比例珍藏品产品特点: - 精心细致制作,充分表现出纳米手套於《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》电影中的造型设计 - 高度还原无限手套在电影中的比列及尺寸 - 约52cm高 (连底座) - 以金属红色为主,配上像真度高的涂装技术,突显装甲细节 - LED发光功能,备有长期开启及呼吸灯模式(6颗灯,需电力启动) - 特别设计印有电影logo底座 * 珍藏品不可戴於手上 造型师: - 涂装师: Lok Ho 推出日期: 约2020年第4季至2021年第1季 **图片所示只是产品原型,与*後完成产品或许会有少许分别 **产品需电力启动 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 (C)2019 Marvel. (C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved. |
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