
HotToys新品:COSB541-546《Captain Marvel》- 惊奇队长 Cosbaby公仔 第二波
来源:HOTTOYS | 作者:binglinhang | 发布时间: 2019-03-08 | 1353 次浏览 | 分享到:
Hot Toys压轴公布两套《惊奇队长》COSBABY 迷你珍藏人偶套装

Movbi 融入《惊奇队长》电影世界与惊奇队长和萌宠橘貓咕咕 Goose COSBABY (S)
倒数复仇者联盟**集结前哨战 漫威*强英雄登场逆转无限

(中国,2019年3月5日) 漫威影业*强女超级英雄的独立电影《惊奇队长》本周五即将全国震撼上映!近日美国著名网路电影资料库IMDb根据了用户的关注热点,评选出《惊奇队长》为2019年*受关注的10部荷里活电影之一,备受瞩目,全城期待惊奇队长如何为复仇者联盟带来逆转希望!以制作高度像真珍藏人偶见称的知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys ( 继上月抢先发布了首波《惊奇队长》COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶后,现再接再厉发布两套全新《惊奇队长》COSBABY(S) 迷你珍藏人偶套装,分别是:

(1)    一套兩款惊奇队长及Movbi COSBABY(S) 迷你珍藏人偶套裝
(2)    一套兩款惊奇队长及Goose COSBABY(S) 迷你珍藏人偶套裝

Hot Toys除了精于高度还原1:6比例珍藏人偶外,还致力研发不同人偶系列,COSBABY迷你珍藏人偶将各式各样帅气英挺的电影角色化身为可爱的Q版人物,继续以趣致得意的baby form形态及Bobble-head 元素呈现,实行逗趣型格路线俘虏所有超级英雄粉丝。


一套两款惊奇队长及Movbi COSBABY(S) 迷你珍藏人偶套裝

电影狂热粉丝Movbi是由Hot Toys设计师们的自家设计作品,每当有*新电影或COSBABY 迷你珍藏人偶公布时,Movbi 必定配合电影主题悉心打扮一番,今次Movbi 将融入《惊奇队长》电影世界中,戴上“Captain Marvel”字眼的仿三维眼镜和捧着一大瓶糖果,与同样带上仿三维眼镜的橘貓咕咕Goose一同欣赏电影。此套装还备有一个穿上极具标志性的红、蓝战衣的蒙面版惊奇队长COSBABY,高逾11.5cm,当中它的蒙面头盔除了饰有金属色上色外,它的眼部备有LED 发光功能,展现超强力量!


Captain Marvel is going to unleash her awesome powers in theatres very soon! Following the launch of the Captain Marvel Cosbaby collection, Hot Toys is delighted to further expand this Cosbaby series with brand new collectible sets featuring Captain Marvel, Goose and Movbi in a stylish way! Each Cosbaby Bobble-Head comes with unique Bobble-Head function and measures approximately 7 – 13.5cm tall.

Ever since Goose the cat made an appearance in the movie posters, this playful character has drawn tremendous attention prior to the movie release. To prepare fans for this new installment, the first collectible set presents Captain Marvel in her classic red and blue uniform with a star emblem on chest and her adorable companion Goose Cosbaby standing at around 7cm in height!

The next amazing set includes a masked version of Captain Marvel in classic uniform completed with LED light-up function on eyes whereas Movbi and her cat are going to rock this grand release in cool oversized frames.

Enrich your Marvel Collection today with the latest Captain Marvel Cosbaby!

Special Features:

- Captain Marvel characters in stylized Cosbaby form
- Approximately 7 – 13.5cm tall
- Captain Marvel featured in “Captain Marvel and Movbi Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head Collectible Set” contains LED light-up function on eyes (white light, battery operated)
- Non-articulated figure with bobble-head

Release date: Approximately Q1 - Q2, 2019

**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Battery included; button cells are required
**Product details can subject to change without further notice

(C) 2019 Marvel.
(C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.