HotToys 新品:1/6 MMS524《星战前传3:西斯的复仇》-指挥官 科迪/Cody 可动人偶
发布时间: 2019-02-15
898 次浏览
全新打造逼真旧化涂装的护甲 掌心备有LED全息影像投射器 高度还原「密令66」场景 (中国,2019年2月15日) 一直对《星球大战》电影系列全力支持的知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys ( ,凭藉一贯高度细致的巧手工艺,倾力制作了一系列《星球大战》1:4及1:6比例珍藏人偶,以鼎盛阵容还原正反两派的重要角色,除了受欢迎的主要角色外,更致力推出不同的配角人偶,让星战迷有机会亲自制作出1:6比例的电影经典场景。Hot Toys今天隆重推出《星球大战前传三:西斯的复仇》复制人指挥官科迪 (Commander Cody) 1:6比例珍藏人偶,与早前推出的欧比旺‧肯诺比1:6比例珍藏人偶还原昔日并肩作战的电影场景! 由欧比旺·肯诺比将军率领的第212 攻击营 (212th Attack Battalion) 中,复制人指挥官科迪是星球大战众多复制人当中*受到星战迷喜爱的角色之一,他参与了许多复制人战争中经典丶惨烈的战役,多次与欧比旺比并肩作战,并发展出深厚的战友情谊;同时,他也是电影中**位接获达斯•西迪厄斯诛杀绝地武士命令「密令66」的角色,成为星战历史中的重要角色。擅长如实根据电影设定丶透过***的身高比例与造型细节,塑造出高度像真人偶作品的Hot Toys,准确根据其电影造型,配合团队**的制作技术与质感还原度**的物料素材,精心制作出高度约29.5cm丶具有30多个可动关节素体的指挥官科迪1:6比例珍藏人偶。 指挥官科迪身穿一套白色拼橙色的头盔和作战护甲均由Hot Toys 全新打造,精细扫上强烈的旧化涂装;同时,根据角色造型还原整套护甲上各项细节,如头盔和左肩甲的通讯天线丶左胸上的官阶徽章丶背部以磁石组装的喷射背包丶右手手臂上配有一个可拆除配件和腰间上的装备带等等。与此同时,还配备上一颗由Hot Toys韩国艺术总监JC. Hong率领头雕师Viva与涂装师E-Lee所制作的超像真角色头雕,细腻还原了由特穆拉•莫里森所饰演的指挥官科迪一角之短发发型和面部皮肤纹理,传神地刻划出角色具服从且忠诚的神髓。此外,设计师更特别打造了一支掌心装有LED灯效的全息影像投射器的右前臂,可装配上达斯•西迪厄斯的全息影像雕像,可还原接获达斯•西迪厄斯诛杀绝地武士命令「密令66」的经典情节,另更同时备有欧比旺丶空降暴风兵及尤达大师的全息影像雕像以供替换。随人偶还配备有一柄雷射步槍丶一柄雷射枪丶两把手鎗丶多对造型手掌及特别设计的沙漠情景地台,注目度与吸引力同步倍增! ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ 《星球大战前传三:西斯的复仇》指挥官科迪1:6 比例珍藏人偶产品特点: - 以电影《星球大战前传三:西斯的复仇》为基础精心打造,忠实且细致地还原指挥官科迪(Commander Cody)的造型设计 - 一个精心打造全新头雕,完美呈现演员特穆拉·莫里森(Temuera Morrison)於电影中饰演指挥官科迪一角的面部轮廓及表情 - 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其皮肤纹理 - 一个全新设计可替换头盔配有橙色机械件细节及旧化效果 - 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其白色装甲设计 - 全新多达30个可动关节素体 - 约30cm高 - 7只可替换手套手掌包括 - 一对握枪手掌 - 一只放松左手掌 - 一只张开右手掌 - 三只摆姿势手掌 - 头雕均由人手涂装 服饰造型: - 一套全新流线型配有旧化效果的指挥官科迪白色装甲连橙色设计细节 - 一个可装拆右臂装甲配件 - 一件黑色紧身衣 - 一条橙色及灰色腰带 - 一对配有旧化效果的白色装甲长靴 武器: - 一柄雷射步槍 - 一柄雷射枪 - 两把手鎗 配件: - 一个LED发光全息影像投射器 (白光,需电池启动) - 一个磁石接合式喷射背包 - 一个 Obi-Wan Kenobi全息影像雕像 - 一个 Airborne Trooper全息影像雕像 - 一个 Yoda全息影像雕像 - 一个 Darth Sidious 全息影像雕像 - 全新涂装沙漠主题地台连电影logo及指挥官科迪角色** 造型师: - 头雕师: Viva Lai - 涂装师: E-Lee & JC. Hong - 头雕美术指导: JC. Hong Clone Commander Cody, also known as unit 2224, was a loyal clone trooper serving the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Cody was often under the command of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, leading Ghost Squadron, and served with him and Anakin Skywalker at Geonosis, Christophsis and during a nearly disastrous campaign on Cato Neimoidia. Cody developed a close and easygoing camaraderie with Kenobi, easily exchanging dry jokes with his Jedi General. This continued through to their mission to Utapau, to route out the entrenched Separatists forces commanded by General Grievous. Cody was ultimately subservient to the orders of the Republic, and when Order 66 was enacted -- branding Kenobi an enemy of the state -- Cody willingly carried out the command to open fire on his former friend. Today Hot Toys is pleased to officially introduce the 1/6th scale Commander Cody collectible figure from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith for Star Wars fans! Skillfully created based on the appearance of Clone Commander Cody in the movie, the 1/6th scale collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt with amazing likeness, a meticulously crafted Clone Trooper armor and helmet with weathering effects, different styles of blasters, interchangeable right arm with LED light-up hologram projector, a variety of miniature hologram figures, a jetpack, and a sand-themed figure base. Lead your Clone Trooper army with Commander Cody in your Star Wars collection! Hot Toys – MMS524 - Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith- 1/6th scale Commander Cody Collectible Figure ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ - Authentic and detailed likeness of Temuera Morrison as Commander Cody in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - One (1) newly developed head sculpt with movie-accurate facial expression, detailed wrinkles, and skin texture - One (1) newly developed interchangeable Commander Cody helmet with mechanical details and weathering effects - Newly developed body with over 30 points of articulations - Approximately 30 cm tall - Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including: - One (1) pair of hands for holding gun - One (1) relaxed left hand - One (1) opened right hand - Three (3) gesture hands - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume: - One (1) newly crafted Commander Cody armor with distinctive orange details and weathering effects - One (1) detachable accessory on right arm armor - One (1) black colored under-suit - One (1) orange and grey colored belt - One (1) pair of white colored boots with weathering effects Weapons: - One (1) rifle - One (1) blaster rifle - Two (2) pistols Accessories: - One (1) LED light-up hologram projector (white light, battery operated) - One (1) magnetically-attached jetpack - One (1) hologram figure of Obi-Wan Kenobi - One (1) hologram figure of Airborne Trooper - One (1) hologram figure of Yoda - One (1) hologram figure of Darth Sidious - A sand-themed figure stand with Commander Cody nameplate and movie logo Artists: - Head Sculpted by Viva Lai - Head Painted by E-Lee & JC. Hong - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2020 **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice C & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. C 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.