HotToys 新品:1/6 MMS519《侠盗一号 - 星球大战外传》- 奥森·克伦尼克
发布时间: 2019-01-12
681 次浏览
《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》奥森·克伦尼克 1:6比例珍藏人偶
极像真头雕 丰富服饰还原银河帝国官阶服装与挡雨披风造型
(中国,2019年1月9日) 星战首次以外传故事模式拍摄成真人版电影的《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》 全球获得超过10亿美元的票房,成为2016年*卖座电影的第二名, 电影*引人入胜之处就是将星战前传第三集与第四集电影之间所发生的精彩故事串连起来的一道桥梁, 同时为星战系列带来新鲜的战争感觉,让一众影迷拥趸看得如痴如醉。 著名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys 于今天推出电影首次登场、 监督死星建造进度的银河帝国武器研究指挥官奥森•克伦尼克1:6比例珍藏人偶! 星战另一反派奥森.克伦尼克首次现身于《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》,是一位野心勃勃的帝国军官, 管理着帝国尖端武器研发部门 (Advanced Weapons Research division),负责保卫死星的安全。 他亦掌控着银河帝国的死亡士兵来消灭义军,以此来得到帕尔帕廷皇帝的重视。 HT除了准确按照奥森.克伦尼克角色的身高比例制作出一个高逾30cm、具30多个可动关节的人偶素体外, 更根据角色于《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》电影中的奥森.克伦尼克帝国军事主管服装造型设定, 以造真人服装的技术及高质量的布料,剪裁出整套以白色作主调的主管制服, 其长袖军服上挂有两枚密码钥匙(coded key cylinder)和两排代表其官阶徽章,腰间束上仿皮腰带连枪袋, 而其下身的黑色马裤设计特别,大腿位置裤身呈角形, 配有一对黑色长筒靴,整体笔挺贴服,呈现出英名神武的军官气质。 同时还配备了一件以高质防水布料细致剪裁而成的米白色挡雨披风 和一顶饰有帝国徽章的黑色军帽 (内置磁石以方便组装),以打造出电影中的另一个造型! 此外,极像真的奥森.克伦尼克头雕**是此套人偶的焦点, 由Hot Toys艺术总监JC Hong 和台湾造型师Viva Lai携手制作,慿着他们鬼斧神工的雕刻与涂装工艺, 完美地重塑出由本.门德尔森所饰演奥森.克伦尼克角色的全新头雕, 细致无遗地刻上其深邃的面部轮廓和皮肤皱纹,以及涂装上皮肤细节纹理与一头啡白色头发, 展现他充满智慧谋略且冷酷无情的一面。 除人偶更会配备一把DT-29雷射手鎗、三颗弹药筒、多对不同造型的手套手掌和一个人偶地台。 "We stand here amidst my achievement. Not yours!" As director of Advanced Weapons Research for the Imperial military, Orson Krennic is obsessed with the completion of the long-delayed Death Star project. A cruel but brilliant man, Krennic has staked his reputation on the delivery of the functional battle station to the Emperor. Longed for by many diehard Star Wars fans, Hot Toys is very excited to officially present today the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Director Orson Krennic from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Director Krennic in the film, this new collectible figure features a highly detailed head sculpt with amazing likeness, skillfully tailored Imperial uniform and magnetically attachable cape, an additional rain gear attire, a blaster, and a character themed figure stand. It will be a beautiful sight to behold when you add this astonishing Director Krennic collectible figure to your Star Wars collection! The 1/6th scale Director Krennic Collectible Figure specially features: - Newly developed head sculpt with authentic and detailed likeness of Ben Mendelsohn as Director Krennic in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles and skin texture - Silver brown color short hair sculpture (with magnetic feature) - Body with over 30 points of articulations - Approximately 30 cm tall - Seven (7) pieces of black-colored interchangeable gloved hands including: • One (1) right fists • Five (5) pieces of gesture hands • One (1) left hand for holding pistol - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume: - One (1) beige colored cloak (with magnetic feature) - One (1) beige colored Imperial officer tunic - One (1) pair of black-colored Imperial officer pants - One (1) black-colored leather-like belt with silver colored buckle - One (1) pair of black-colored leather-like boots - One (1) black colored Imperial officer hat (with magnetic feature) - One (1) beige colored rain poncho Weapon: - One (1) blaster pistol Accessories: - Three (3) ammo clips - Two (2) code cylinders - Specially designed figure stand with character nameplate, Star Wars logo and an interchangeable graphic card Artists: - Head Sculpted by Viva Lai - Head Painted by JC. Hong - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice (C) & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. (C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.