HotToys新品:1/6 MMS518《海王》- Aquaman/海王/水行侠 亚瑟·库瑞 可动人偶
发布时间: 2018-12-18
701 次浏览
精雕仿鳞片装甲战服 金属色涂装黄金三叉戟连海洋情景地台 擎天驾海 王者降临
(中国,2018年12月18日) 华纳兄弟影片公司与导演温子仁联手打造年度视觉盛宴, 至今票房破13亿,刷新DC宇宙票房纪录! 瑰丽神奇的海底奇观,天马行空的构想!即使寒冷的天气都无法阻挡海王狂潮! 千呼万唤,知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys 铁定今天推出《海王》海王1:6比例珍藏人偶, 与DC 迷分享电影角色的*新服饰造型与配备、开启疯狂刺激的海底奇幻冒险! 电影中出现的全套黄金色拼绿色的海王战服设计是源自漫画原著的经典造型,是DC漫画迷的一大惊喜! 擅长运用巧手人偶制作工艺和**细腻审美标准,将电影人偶活现大家眼前的Hot Toys, 为忠实还原由高大健硕的美国型男演员杰森·莫玛所饰演海王一角, 因而特别塑造了一个高约33cm丶具有逾30个活动关节的高可动专用素体,以配合高难度的海底战斗场面 。同时,更特别根据电影戏服设定精心打造全套黄金色拼绿色的海王战服, 上半身突显肌肉感的黄金战衣除了涂装上金属感强烈的金黄色外,更细致饰有如鱼鳞片般的图案细节, 腰间挂有海王独有Logo的腰带连护甲,整体外观贴服, 而胸腹之间位置特设可动关节,加强活动能力之余,同时隐藏不住他强壮健硕的肌肉线条; 而下半身呈幻彩色的绿色贴身长裤则选用具弹性质感的布料剪裁缝制,并仔细以滴胶印上如鳞片般的图案细节, 然后装上仿金属质感的小腿臂护甲与长靴,突显海王的皇者霸气! 此外,海王人偶头雕由Hot Toys 韩国头雕师Lee So Young联同Hot Toys艺术总监JC. Hong倾力打造, 以高超工艺细致刻划出演员杰森·莫玛所饰演海王一角的面部轮廓, 配上一头狂野的啡色长发与浓密的胡子,表现出野性硬汉的魅力,势不可挡! *后,根据角色造型设定配备了一把三叉戟、多对可替换手掌,以及一个特别设计仿海洋情景人偶地台。 ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ 《海王》海王1:6比例珍藏人偶产品特点: - 精心打造新涂装头雕,充分表现出演员杰森·莫玛(Jason Momoa)於《海王》电影中海王的面部轮廓及造型 - 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其皮肤及胡子纹理 - 细致雕塑出棕色长发的纹理 - 约33cm高 - 全新多达30个可动关节素体 - 6只对可替换手掌包括 - 一对拳头 - 一对握三叉戟手掌 - 一对放松手掌 - 每个头雕均由人手涂装 服饰造型: - 一套特别打造海王战衣配有金色拼深绿色金属涂装如鳞片般的盔甲 - 一条金色腰带连护甲 - 一对深绿色前臀护甲 - 一对深绿色腿部护甲 - 一对深绿色长靴 武器: - 一支三叉戟 配件: - 特别设计以海洋为主题的动态情景地台 造型师: - 头雕师: So Young, Lee - 涂装师: JC. Hong - 头雕美术指导: JC. Hong 产品编号: MMS518 产品条码: 4897011188126 包装: 6 pcs per case 推出日期: 约2019年第3至第4季 **图片所示并不是*後的产品原型,等待批核中 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知
“A Son of the Land and a Son of the Seas...” Arthur Curry, a half-Human and half-Atlantean, learns that he is the heir to the kingdom of Atlantis. With his superhuman strength, he must now step up to lead his people and stop an all-out war between the seas and the surface world. Inspired by one the most eagerly awaited blockbusters from the DC Extended Universe, Hot Toys is thrilled to introduce the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Aquaman wearing his iconic outfit! The movie-accurate collectible figure is meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Jason Momoa as Arthur Curry/Aquaman in the movie of the same title, including a newly painted head sculpt with detailed long hair sculpture, a specialized body portraying Aquaman’s muscular body with enhanced articulations, a classic Aquaman costume with the signature gold and green color scheme, a highly-detailed Trident, and a specially designed dynamic figure stand features ocean themed diorama! Atlantis is rising. This most recognizable hero from the underwater will become a dramatic centerpiece in your DC Comic collection! Hot Toys – MMS518 – Aquaman - 1/6th scale Aquaman Collectible Figure ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ - Authentic and detailed likeness of Jason Momoa as Arthur Curry/Aquaman in Aquaman - Newly painted head sculpt with movie-accurate facial expression with detailed skin texture and beard - Brown color long hair sculpture - Approximately 33cm tall - Specialized body with over 30 points of articulation - Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including: - One (1) pair of fists - One (1) pair of Trident holding hands - One (1) pair of relaxed hands - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted Costume : - One (1) specially tailored Aquaman suit with gold and dark-green colored scale-patterned armor plates. - One (1) gold colored belt - One (1) pair of dark green-colored forearm armors - One (1) pair of dark green-colored leg armors - One (1) pair of dark green-colored colored armor-like boots Weapons: - One (1) gold-colored Trident with engravings Accessories: - Specially designed dynamic figure stand features ocean themed diorama Artists: - Head Sculpted by So Young, Lee - Head Painted by JC. Hong - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2019 **Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice AQUAMAN and all related characters and elements C & tm DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s18) c 2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.