HotToys新品:1/6 MMS504《疾速追杀2》- John Wick/约翰·威克(基努 李维斯 饰)
发布时间: 2018-08-28
810 次浏览
Hot Toys《疾速特攻》约翰•威克John Wick 1:6比例珍藏人偶
高度还原男神基努•里维斯超像真头雕.以造真人服装技术巧制全套西装 配搭丰富鎗械与配件
(2018年8月27日) 知名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys继早前推出了由男神基努•里维斯担演的《黑客帝国》尼奥 1:6比例珍藏人偶后, 现带来另一超人气动作电影《疾速追杀》之续集《疾速特攻》, 推出有着「以铅笔杀人」的传说丶「Baba Yaga」外号的退隐江湖职业杀手 ─ 约翰•威克John Wick 化身1:6比例珍藏人偶, 随人偶将配置多款不同型号的鎗械配件丶血誓印记 (Blood Oath Marker),以及多枚杀手金币等等, 塑造出结合型男与职业杀手形象的约翰•威克高度像真 #珍藏人偶#! 《疾速特攻》讲述已退隐江湖的职业杀手约翰•威克被人用「血誓印记」胁迫重出江湖,他只好履行血印承诺并完成*後一项任务。 擅长运用巧手人偶制作工艺和细腻审美标准丶将电影人偶活现大家眼前的Hot Toys,再度结集团队一众精英, 根据电影原作设定与男主角基努•里维斯的独特气质与神髓, 由Hot Toys韩国艺术总监JC Hong 与人气女头雕师Yulli携手参照型男基努•里维斯表情神髓丶五官轮廓和发型所设计而成, 除了涂装上逼真的皮肤纹理和浓浓的须根痕迹外,更细致地於其脸上饰有血迹和伤痕。 与此同时,Hot Toys更按照角色的身型比例,配有上一个高逾31cm丶具30多个可动关节人偶素体; 配搭上由Hot Toys 设计师以造真人服装的技术,按照戏服重新绘图造样的全套西装, 包括: 一件深蓝色恤衫丶一条黑色领呔丶一件黑色单排钮款式马甲丶 一件黑色西装外套和一条黑色长裤,剪裁结构及缝纫手法**,呈现出贴服称身的效果! 然而,人偶的焦点必然落在其各式各样的备有可拆卸弹匣的鎗械与配件, 包括: 一把机关枪连枪带丶两把不同型号的霰弹枪丶一把消音手鎗丶两把手鎗丶 一个可打开的手鎗盒连一把手鎗和弹匣丶两个血誓印记 (分别是打开和合上状态)丶 三行金币丶五枚金币丶一枝铅笔丶一把短刀丶以及多对不同造型手掌, 好让收藏家们能够透过阵容丰富的配套装备,轻松还原约翰•威克於电影中的酷帅职业杀手造型。 一套精彩的动作电影总会令人回味无穷, 相信喜欢《疾速特攻》的粉丝都不能错过这款1:6比例珍藏人偶了! ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~ 《疾速特攻》约翰•威克1:6比例珍藏人偶产品特点: - 全新头雕经过精心打造,充分表现出演员基努·里维斯(Keanu Reeves)於《疾速特攻》电影中约翰•威克一角的面部轮廓及表情 - 像真度高的涂装技术以突显出其战损丶胡须细节及皮肤纹理 - 多达30个可动关节素体 - 约31cm高 - 10只可替换手掌包括: - 两对握枪手掌 - 一对握刀手掌 - 一对放松手掌 - 一只左拳头 - 一只示意手势右手掌 - 头雕均由人手涂装 服饰造型: -一件深蓝色高领衬衣 -一件黑色马甲背心 -一件黑色西装外套 -一条黑色领带 -一条黑色长裤 -一条黑色仿皮腰带 -一对黑色袜子 -一对黑色鞋 武器: -两把手鎗连可装拆弹匣 -一把手鎗连可装拆弹匣 (可放进手鎗盒内) -一把消音手鎗连可装拆弹匣 -两把霰弹枪 -一把机关枪连可装拆枪带 -一把短刀 配件: -两个血誓印记 (打开和合上状态) -三行金币 -五枚金币 -一个可打开手鎗盒 -一枝铅笔 -一个特别设计《疾速特攻》血誓印记主题地台连角色**及背景牌 造型师: - 头雕师: Yulli - 涂装师: JC. Hong - 头雕美术指导: JC. Hong 推出日期: 约2019年第3至第4季 **图片所示只是产品原型,与*後完成产品或许会有少许分别 **产品细节如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 “The man. The myth. The legend.” The John Wick series follows the exploits of the legendary hit man as he unleashes mayhem and fury on the mobsters who have wronged him and the army of international assassins who want him dead. Exploding with highly choreographed gun-fu and combat, the thrilling action-packed films tell the classic stories of vengeance and redemption. To celebrate the upcoming highly anticipated third installment of this adrenaline-fueled action franchise, Hot Toys proudly presents the John Wick 1/6th scale collectible figure from John Wick: Chapter 2. Masterfully crafted, this impressive movie-accurate 1/6th scale John Wick collectible features a highly detailed head sculpt, a finely tailored three-piece suit, multiple articulations and an arsenal of weapon accessories including a variety of pistols, shotguns and rifles, a knife as well as John Wick’s signature pencil. The collectible figure also includes two Blood Oath Markers, several gold coins and a specially designed figure stand. Don’t miss your chance to add this new John Wick collectible figure to your collection. Hot Toys – MMS504 - John Wick: Chapter 2- 1/6th scale John Wick® Collectible Figure - Newly developed battle damaged head sculpt with authentic and detailed likeness of Keanu Reeves as John Wick in John Wick: Chapter 2 - Movie-accurate facial expression with detail hair, beard and skin texture - Approximately 31 cm tall - Body with over 30 points of articulations - Ten (10) pieces of interchangeable hands including: - Two (2) pairs of gun holding hands - One (1) pair of knife holding hands - One (1) pair of relax hands - One (1) right fist - One (1) gesture left hand - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-printed Costume: - One (1) high-collar navy blue-colored dress shirt - One (1) black-colored vest - One (1) intricately detailed black-colored suit jacket - One (1) black-colored necktie - One (1) pair of black-colored pants - One (1) leather-like black-colored belt - One (1) pair of black-colored socks - One (1) pair of black-colored shoes Weapon: - Two (2) pistols with removable magazines - One (1) pistol with removable magazine (can be placed in pistol case) - One (1) pistol and silencer with removable magazine - Two (2) shotguns - One (1) rifle with detachable strips - One (1) knife Accessories: - Two (2) Blood Oath Markers (regular and with blood finger print) - Three (3) stacks of gold coins - Five (5) pieces of gold coins - One (1) pistol case - One (1) pencil - Specially designed oath marker themed hexagonal figure stand with character nameplate and backdrop Artists: - Head Sculpted by Yulli - Head Painted by JC. Hong - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2019 **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Product details can subject to change without further notice (R)& (C) 2018 Summit Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved. (C)2018 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.