
Brand show
HOTTOYS HT CosRider 电动摇摇车CSRD001-005 蝙蝠侠 5款

HOTTOYS HT CosRider 电动摇摇车CSRD001-005 蝙蝠侠 5款





【Hot Toys 2020年全新注目系列 CosRider 電動搖搖車珍藏品誕生!】

Hot Toys特意推出全新的CosRider 電動搖搖車珍藏品系列,將電影中各個炙手可熱的超人氣角色與載具以Q版人物模式還原,同時更會結合上懷舊復古搖搖車必備的搖擺節奏、激昂配樂和閃爍燈光等元素,玩家們只需將一枚專屬硬幣放到投幣口,即可啟動全套/獨立的CosRider 電動搖搖車珍藏品。此次系列共推出5款高逾11cm 至13.5cm 的CosRider 電動搖搖車珍藏品,包括: 1989年《蝙蝠俠》蝙蝠俠駕馭的蝙蝠車、《蝙蝠俠: 再戰風雲》企鵝人跟可愛鴨鴨船、《自殺特攻:超能暴隊》小丑和小丑女駕駛的桃紅色跑車、《蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神》蝙蝠俠駕馭的蝙蝠車,以及《蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神》小丑跟警車,各款Q版人偶與載具的設計均一絲不苟,每款CosRider可連接在一起,讓粉絲們細味重溫各角色於電影中馳騁的場景!

【DC Comic Series - CosRider】
Hot Toys team is extremely delighted to announce the brand new series – CosRider. Bringing fans beloved characters and their unique vehicles in a super cool way, the newly debuted series is a collection to be displayed individually, or set as a stylish display.
Combining the vintage coin-operated amusement ride in our childhood memories and the iconic driving scenes from the classic productions in DC universe, CosRider collectible has skillfully transformed the characters’ appearance and their distinctive vehicles into an adorable line-up. Features coin-operated mechanical design, original music tune, LED light up function, built-in rocking motion, and movie-theme stickers for fans to customize the whole design. CosRider in the same series can even be coupled up and rock together in the fun melody of Hot Toys original.
The DC CosRider series covers BatmanTM CosRider from Batman (1989); The PenguinTM CosRider from Batman Returns; BatmanTM, and The JokerTM CosRider from The Dark Knight; also The JokerTM & Harley QuinnTM CosRider from Suicide Squad. Each collectible in the series measures approximately 11 – 13.5cm tall.
Check out our fun collection and start your engines today!