漫威《复仇者联盟3 :无限战争》
Hot Toys 钢铁侠 MARK L (超级飞行器版) COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶新品
(中国,2019年1月10日) 历史性集结众多超级英雄的漫威十周年巨献《复仇者联盟3:无限战争 》在全球各地上映后均获得骄人佳绩,纵然电影发展让全球影迷感到心碎,但同时却为漫威本年3月上映的《惊奇队长》和4月上映的《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》做好准备。着名珍藏人偶品牌Hot Toys 为迎接新片的来临,现以品牌自家创作的COSBABY迷你珍藏人偶系列推出《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》钢铁侠 MARK L (超级飞行器版) COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶新品!
Hot Toys除了精于高度还原1:6比例珍藏人偶外,还致力研发不同人偶系列,COSBABY迷你珍藏人偶将各式各样帅气英挺的电影角色化身为可爱的Q版人物,继续以趣致得意的baby form形态及Bobble-head 元素呈现,实行逗趣型格路线俘虏所有超级英雄拥趸。 Hot Toys 将参照《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》钢铁侠 MARK L 融合托尼•史塔克研发的纳米技术,变化出超级飞行器的造型而特别打造出逾高11cm、阔13.5cm 、长14.5cm的钢铁侠MARK L (超级飞行器版) COSBABY (S) 迷你珍藏人偶新品,于整套战甲上涂装金属红、金色,并组装上具霸气感的巨型超级飞行器组件,透过COSBABY迷你珍藏人偶模式展现出其高速飞行的炫酷形态。
- 《复仇者联盟3:无限战争 》钢铁侠Mark L化身成可爱的Q版人物
- 约11公分高 x 14.5公分长x 13.5公分宽
- 具Bobble-head (摇头) 元素不可动迷你珍藏人偶
产品编号: COSB547
产品条码: 4897011187884
包装: 每箱12个
推出日期: 约 2019年第1季
(C) 2019 Marvel.
(C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Spanning the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War has offered an unforgettable experience to audiences with its deadliest showdown. Today, Hot Toys is excited to continue in expanding this marvelous series with one of the Avengers stars in his most advanced suit - Iron Man Mark L (Super Thruster Version) Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head!
Based on Avengers: Infinity War, the newly debuted Iron Man Mark L Cosbaby Bobble-Head Collectible features the super suit in metallic red and plenty of gold accents, also a pair of Super Thruster attached to the back of the armor as seen in the epic battle! It is specially crafted in Cosbaby form with bobble-head function and stands approximately 11cm in height and 14.5m in length.
Certainly not to miss out this futuristic Iron Man Cosbaby from your pride collection!
Hot Toys - Avengers: Infinity War - Iron Man Mark L (Super Thruster Version) Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head
~ Cosbaby Series ~
- Stylized Cosbaby form of Iron Man Mark L from Avengers: Infinity War
- Approximately 11cm H x 14.5cm L x 13.5cm W
- Non-articulated figure with bobble-head
Release date: Approximately Q1, 2019
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
(C) 2019 Marvel.
(C) 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.