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HOTTOYS HT MMS422 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 贝儿

HOTTOYS HT MMS422 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 贝儿




由迪士尼影业制作并出品的奇幻爱情巨制《#美女与野兽#》自正式公映以来,全球票房火爆势如破竹,口碑票房双丰收! 今天Hot Toys隆重宣布首次制作迪士尼公主系列–《美女与野兽》的极像真贝儿1:6比例珍藏人偶,为粉丝提供超级英雄人偶以外的珍藏体验!

Hot Toys特别根据由人气女星艾玛茠森的身高体态塑造出高约26cm丶具有逾26个可动关节的全新女性人偶素体。手臂的软身包胶设计除可隐藏活动关节,更可灵活地摆出与野兽共舞的浪漫经典场景!此外,Hot Toys团队高度还原层次感丰富的黄色经典晚装,晚装上半部分以逾40块蕾丝布料精心编织而成,而下摆部分亦采用了富光泽感的丝缎布料及高贵华丽的金色裙边,再人手以繁复的皱褶缝纫技巧车缝出极具立体感的波浪形吊钟裙摆 。晚装贴身的剪裁尽显贝儿的纤纤细腰,她的胸前更配有一条颈链,整体看起来飘逸浪漫丶古意盎然。

贝儿的极像真头雕由Hot Toys 韩国着名头雕师So Young Lee联同首席涂装师JC. Hong倾力制作,团队以高超工艺细致刻划出演员艾玛茠森所饰演贝儿一角的面部轮廓,温柔恬静的眼神,衬托着淡淡的妆容感和束上一个小发髻的微卷曲中分长发发型,散发着高贵典雅的气质。Hot Toys 更足本还原电影中一班惹笑窝心的魔法家具朋友,包括: 时钟葛士华丶烛台卢米亚丶茶壶太太丶小茶杯阿齐及羽毛掸子普路美。每个家具朋友均精心雕琢和印上独有图案细节。另外随贝儿人偶更特配一枝魔法玫瑰和钟罩玫瑰花丶一个透明钟罩连魔法玫瑰花座和一个以电影中舞池为灵感而特别设计的人偶地台,完美重现*动人童话!如此万众瞩目的艾玛女神你能错过吗?

"Look at her! What if she's the one... the one who will break the spell?"

Disney's live-action adaptation of its classic animated film Beauty and the Beast has been one of the most anticipated cinematic events of the year and it is the highest grossing live-action movie musical of all time! Based on a timeless fairy tale, the fantasy romance follows dashing village girl Belle as she ventures into an enchanted castle to find her father. There, she agrees to take his place as the captive to the fearsome Beast, who used to be a handsome prince but was cursed to a life as a monster unless he can find true love.

Today, Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Belle from this modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Expertly crafted based on Emma Watson's appearance in the movie, the beautifully realized Belle figure features a newly developed head sculpt, meticulously tailored and intricately multi-layered costume based on her elegant ball gown with various accessories, as well as a specially designed marble-patterned figure stand.

Additionally, the figure comes with a bonus crew of castle’s enchanted household objects, namely Lumière (the candelabra), Cogsworth (the clock), Mrs. Potts and Chip (the teapot and teacup), and Plumette (the feather duster).

Be our guest and enjoy this remarkable collectible from Beauty and the Beast!

Please kindly find the attached photos and spec below for your reference.

Hot Toys – MMS422 – Beauty and the Beast –1/6th Scale Belle Collectible Figure Specification
~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~

Special features of the 1/6th scale Belle Collectible Figure:

- Newly developed head sculpt with authentic and detailed likeness of Emma Watson as Belle in Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast

- Highly-accurate facial expression and makeup

- Body with over 26 points of articulation

- Approximately 26 cm tall

- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands (with a ring on the right hand) including:

- One (1) pair of relaxed hands

- One (1) pair of gesturing hands

- One (1) pair of hands for holding the enchanted rose

- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted


- One (1) slim-fitting, lacy yellow bodice delicately woven from multiple layers of fabric

- One (1) bell-shaped, yellow satin full skirt

- One (1) pair of high-heeled dancing shoes

- One (1) necklace


- One (1) enchanted rose

- One (1) enchanted rose (with stand) enclosed in a transparent bell jar

- One (1) specially designed Beauty and the Beast-themed figure stand covered in patterns modeled after the ballroom's marble dance floor

Bonus Accessories – the Castle’s Enchanted Household Objects:

- Lumière, the candelabra

- Cogsworth, the pendulum clock

- Mrs. Potts, the teapot

- Chip, the teacup

- Plumette, the feather duster (with stand)


- Head Sculpted by So-young, Lee

- 3D Design by Da-hye, Kim

- Painted by J.C Hong & E-Lee

- Head Art Directed by Yulli

Release date:     Q4, 2017 – Q1, 2018

**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different

**Product details are subject to change without further notice