The Alien film series has been an iconic and classic franchise in the Sci-Fi genre. Its surreal art design and captivating story revolving the heroine Ripley have been very influential to the movie world! This year marks the 30th anniversary of Aliens and the first official Alien Day on April 26, Hot Toys is delighted to celebrate this special occasion and officially present the all-new 1/6th scale collectible figure of the Xenomorph’s attack force – the Alien Warrior!
The movie-accurate 1/6th scale Alien Warrior collectible figure is specially crafted based on its image in the film. It features newly developed head sculpt with extendable inner jaw, newly sculpted Xenomorph body with meticulous details, specially applied bluish colored painting on body, bendable tail, Xenomorph blood effect parts, and a specially designed diorama figure stand.
Alien fans shouldn’t miss the chance to add this menacing Xenomorph to your collection.
Please kindly find the attached photos and spec below for your reference.
Hot Toys – MMS354 – Aliens 1/6th scale Alien Warrior Collectible Figure Specification ~ Movie Masterpiece Series ~
The 1/6th scale Alien Warrior Collectible Figure specially features:
- Newly developed head sculpt with detailed likeness of Alien Warrior in Aliens - Approximately 35 cm tall - Extendable inner jaw - Newly developed and meticulously sculpted Xenomorph body with fine details and over 20 points of articulations - Specially applied bluish colored painting on body - Bendable tail
- Two (2) Xenomorph blood effect parts - Specially designed diorama figure stand with character’s name plate
- Figure Sculpted by Joseph Tsang - Figure Painted by Lok Ho
Release date: Q2 - Q3, 2016
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice