【Hot Toys第二季《The Mandalorian》Koska Reeves 1:6比例珍藏人偶
星戰全新角色登場 足本打造Nite Owls 曼達洛人部隊 】
迪士尼串流平台Disney+的星球大戰衍生影集《The Mandalorian》第二季已完滿結束, Hot Toys對星戰糸列充滿熱誠,繼推出了Bo-Katan Kryze 1:6比例珍藏人偶後,現再接再厲發佈她曼達洛人部隊的兩名成員 ─ Koska Reeves 和 Axe Woves 1:6比例珍藏人偶,豐富整個Nite Owls曼達洛人精英部隊!
全新雕製的Koska Reeves極像真頭雕是參照演員Mercedes Varnado角色造型所設計,準確而傳神地把她的五官輪廓特徵、一頭黑色辮子束髮與女性曼達洛人的霸氣,全數於一顆體積小巧的1:6比例頭雕原件內展現出來。與此同時,Hot Toys憑藉一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,並根據演員Mercedes Varnado為WWE職業摔角選手的體型,特別塑造了一個高約28cm丶具有逾26個活動關節的可動專用素體,穿上以細膩車工、呈現具細節的灰綠色戰衣,還有全身以藍色為主調的頭盔和護甲,線條與細節拿捏準確,肩甲上飾有Nite Owls標記,全身護甲微曲呈貼身效果,再配上金屬磨損感的舊化塗裝,高度突顯造型細節的視覺層次感;服飾與武器裝備還包括: 頭盔備有可翻下的測距儀、背部噴射背包 (可裝上噴射火焰特效組件)、以皮革紋理布件製成的裝備腰帶和槍套,以及前臂護甲上的火箭噴射器 (可裝上火焰特效組件) 等等。隨人偶更配備了一把長槍連槍帶、一把手槍、一支飛索 (可安裝於前臂護甲上)、多對不同造型手掌和一個人偶地台連背景咭。
【Star Wars: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale Koska Reeves Collectible Figure】
As a member of the Nite Owls, Koska Reeves is a fierce Mandalorian who fights alongside the legendary Bo-Katan Kryze in her pursuit to reclaim Mandalore. During their journey, the Nite Owls cross paths with Din Djarin and assist him in saving the mysterious alien foundling Grogu.
In continuation of expanding the widely popular The Mandalorian collectible series, Hot Toys is excited to officially introduce the new 1/6th scale Koska Reeves collectible figure!
The Koska Reeves collectible figure features newly developed head sculpt with great likeness and detailed hair sculpture, Mandalorian helmet and armor with weathering effects, skillfully tailored under-suit, a jetpack with booster fire effects, a blaster rifle, a blaster pistol, a wired grappling hook, a flamethrower effect, a themed display stand and backdrop!
Keep this loyal and fierce Mandalorian close in your Star Wars collection!
【Hot Toys第二季《The Mandalorian》Axe Woves 1:6比例珍藏人偶
星戰全新角色登場 足本打造Nite Owls 曼達洛人部隊 】
迪士尼串流平台Disney+的星球大戰衍生影集《The Mandalorian》第二季已完滿結束, Hot Toys對星戰糸列充滿熱誠,繼推出了Bo-Katan Kryze 1:6比例珍藏人偶後,現再接再厲發佈她曼達洛人部隊的兩名成員 ─ Koska Reeves 和 Axe Woves 1:6比例珍藏人偶,豐富整個Nite Owls曼達洛人精英部隊!
Hot Toys憑藉一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,並根據Axe Woves角色造型與比例以極像真的1:6比例珍藏人偶模式製作,特別製作一個高度約30cm、備有逾30個可動關節的人偶素體,然後穿上配有匠心獨具的啡色布料戰衣與呈舊化感的灰黑及藍色護甲,除了高度還原上呈T字形護目鏡的曼達洛人頭盔外,更細緻設計出多組呈舊化感的灰黑或藍色護甲,分佈在肩膀、胸口、手腕、大腿及膝蓋位置,均塗上質感細膩逼真的舊化塗裝和戰鬥所造成的刮痕和凹陷效果。此外,角色造型上還配置上不少武器細節,包括: 頭盔上的測距儀、背部的噴射飛行背包連一對可拆卸的仿噴射火焰組件、裝置在靴子上的熱能彈和以皮革紋理布件製成的裝備腰帶等等。隨人偶更會附上一把手槍、多對不同造型手掌和一個人偶地台連背景咭。
【Star Wars: The Mandalorian - 1/6th scale Axe Woves Collectible Figure】
As a member of Clan Kryze led by the legendary Mandalorian Bo-Katan, Axe Woves fights alongside her and Koska Reeves in their quest to regain control of Mandalore. During their mission on the planet of Trask, they proved to be a formidable team fighting together with Din Djarin to seize the Imperial cruiser.
Expanding the popular The Mandalorian collectible series, Hot Toys is pleased to present the 1/6th scale Axe Woves collectible figures inspired by the acclaimed Lucasfilm series!
The Axe Woves collectible figure features a detailed Mandalorian helmet and armor with weathering effects, skillfully tailored under-suit, a jetpack with booster fire effects, a blaster pistol, a themed display stand!
Complete your Nite Owls team by adding the Axe Woves collectible figure in your collection!
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