ACS012 拆甲地台单独版:官方价格2980元
QS021 套装:单人+拆甲地台
【Hot Toys 2022年度首發《鐵甲奇俠2》鐵甲奇俠Mark IV連Suit-Up Gantry 1:4比例珍藏套裝
以1:4升級比例打造經典神級 套裝獨備Suit Up Gantry機械臂作裝置情景地台】
Hot Toys 自2008年取得漫威影業授權製作了**款鐵甲奇俠Mark III 1:6比例珍藏人偶後,均獲得顧客及業界們的高度讚揚,引領著品牌持續發展,為《鐵甲奇俠》電影系列從極像真人偶拓展出更多創新和多元化的新產品,Hot Toys 現先拔頭籌為2022年強勢推出《鐵甲奇俠2》鐵甲奇俠Mark IV連Suit-Up Gantry 1:4比例珍藏套裝作新一年的頭炮產品,期望與一眾超級英雄擁躉們,攜手共渡豐收的一年!
在電影《鐵甲奇俠2》前端,Tony Stark穿著裝甲帥氣地空降史塔克博覽會會場,令人驚豔的從舞台地板開始旋轉變型,進而迅速伸出機械臂、流暢而且精準地卸下裝甲,帥氣的場面搭配熱血的配樂,絕對在鐵甲迷留下深刻印象!Hot Toys 現特別根據《鐵甲奇俠2》 鐵甲奇俠Mark IV連Suit-Up Gantry的電影造型,以1:4比例升級打造此款神級經典作品!整套以經典紅、金色精細塗裝的裝甲線條結合精確準繩的身型比例,完美打造高約48.5cm再結合超強可動結構製作而出具有逾40 個靈活關節的機械素體。除了眼部、上胸、胸口反應器及掌心內置LED發光燈效外,多處位置更可透出LED光,包括:肋骨兩側、肩膀、前臂、小腿後端及背部(淺藍光,需電池啟動);胸甲採用可拆卸裝置、背部多組擾流定風翼與小腿裝甲更備開啓功能、肩膀配有一對隱藏式導彈炮,展現出機體內複雜的內部結構。除備有一個配有LED 眼部亮燈功能的鐵甲奇俠裝甲頭雕外,還額外附上一顆佩戴了鐵甲奇俠頭盔並可開啓面罩的 1:4 比例 Tony Stark 極像真頭雕供玩家更換,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。*驚喜是Hot Toys更參照電影中著上Mark IV裝甲的Tony Stark 於Randy’s Donuts一幕,特別隨人偶附上一個油炸圈餅連盒子和一個咖啡杯作為人偶小配件。
而套裝內整套細緻塗裝上具金屬感黃色和飾上舊化效果的Suit-up Gantry約63cm高、75cm闊、36cm深,由5支起重臂架和4組小型機械臂架所組成,結合精密的機械細節和全面性的活動關節,每支起重臂架都附有可動關節及抓扣組件,抓扣組件植入了磁石,可與同樣附有磁力功能的鐵甲奇俠Mark IV人偶頭盔和可拆胸甲等部件連接。同時,為了加強Tony Stark 於舞台上表演拆甲的氣氛效果,機械臂上設有8個LED發光位置,地台上更安裝了12個LED 發光燈效;還有,地台上的面版將附有黑色方格面版,玩家們可完完全全地透過這台Suit-up Gantry 組裝出各種精彩的1:4比例裝置情景,給所有鐵甲迷能夠更加投入到鐵甲奇俠的高科技世界中。此外,同時備有單裝版本的鐵甲奇俠Mark IV 1:4比例珍藏人偶及Suit Up Gantry 1:4比例珍藏品供顧客預定。
【Iron Man 2 - 1/4th scale Iron Man Mark IV with Suit-Up Gantry Collectible Set】
“Oh, it’s good to be back!” – Tony Stark
Tony Stark designed the Mark IV armor to replace Mark III armor after it was heavily damaged in a fight, and showcased it with a dazzling landing to the Stark Expo in Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2. Designed to succeed the older, damaged model, the armor features a slightly different design from its predecessor, having a more streamlined appearance and edged armor plates.
On the first day of the New Year, Hot Toys is excited to share with fans the highly poseable and movie-accurate 1/4th scale Iron Man Mark IV with Suit-Up Gantry collectible set from Iron Man 2 collection as the latest creation, where possibly a centerpiece of your collection!
The beautifully engineered and massive 1/4th scale figure measures approximately 48.6cm tall is crafted based on Robert Downey Jr’s screen appearance as Tony Stark/ Iron Man from the movie, features a newly developed Tony Stark helmeted head sculpt, an interchangeable helmeted head with LED-light up function, skillfully applied metallic Hotrod red and gold colored armor with gorgeous detailing, LED lights shine through various areas of armor, and articulated armors designed to reveal interior mechanical design or hidden weapons.
The highly-accurate Suit-Up Gantry collectible features remarkable movie-accuracy, multiple LED light-up areas located on mechanical arms and gantry platform, substantive details with realistic cable and wire design, layers of paint applications, and articulations design allowing fans to recreate the iconic grand entrance scene.
This is the great opportunity to expand your Hall of Armor display!
The 1/4th scale Iron Man Mark IV Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/ Iron Man in Iron Man 2
- One (1) Iron Man helmet with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) newly developed Tony Stark helmeted head with removable mask
- Movie-accurate facial features with detailed beard, wrinkles and skin texture
- Approximately 48.6 cm tall
- Over 40 points of articulations
- Special features on armor:
- Metallic gold and red colored painting on the sleek and streamline Iron Man armor design
- LED light up design on eyes, chest, arc reactor, and palms (white light, battery operated)
- LED lights can shine through sides of ribs, shoulder, forearms, back of legs and upper back (blue light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of built-in shoulder missile launchers
- Two (2) pairs of articulated rib armor to reveal interior mechanical design
- One (1) pair of articulated forearm armor allowing extension for missile firing mode
- One (1) pair of articulated countermeasure dispensers
- One (1) pair of detachable bicep armor
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of repulsor-firing hands
- Articulated flaps on legs
- Fully deployable air flaps at back of the armor
- Multi-layered waist armor with enhanced articulations allowing highly flexible movement
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) donut box
- One (1) donut
- One (1) coffee cup
The 1/4th scale Suit-Up Gantry Collectible:
- Authentic and highly detailed Suit-Up Gantry with great articulations and all-new paint application
- Approximately 63cm H x 75cm W x 36cm D
- 12 LED light-up areas on Gantry base (white light, battery operated)
- 8 LED light-up areas on Mechanical arms (white light, battery operated)
- Over 80 points of articulations
- Highly accurate mechanical design with realistic cable and wire details
- Five (5) mechanical arms – one (1) left and one (1) right side for disarming the forearm armors with rotatable function, one (1) in the front for disarming the chest armor, one (1) at the back for disarming the helmet, and one (1) at the back
- Four (4) small mechanical arms
- One (1) set of interchangeable decal
Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2023
*Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
**Batteries included for collectible figure, button cells are required
***Batteries not included for diorama figure base, 3A batteries (3 pieces) are required
****Light up function operated using USB power; USB connecting cable is not included for collectible, Micro USB cable is required
***** Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
2022 Marvel.
2022 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved
QS020 单人版
【《鐵甲奇俠2》鐵甲奇俠Mark IV 1:4比例珍藏人偶】
在電影《鐵甲奇俠2》前端,Tony Stark穿著裝甲帥氣地空降史塔克博覽會會場,令人驚豔的從舞台地板開始旋轉變型,進而迅速伸出機械臂、流暢而且精準地卸下裝甲,帥氣的場面搭配熱血的配樂,絕對在鐵甲迷留下深刻印象!Hot Toys 現特別根據《鐵甲奇俠2》 鐵甲奇俠Mark IV連Suit-Up Gantry的電影造型,以1:4比例升級打造此款神級經典作品!整套以經典紅、金色精細塗裝的裝甲線條結合精確準繩的身型比例,完美打造高約48.5cm再結合超強可動結構製作而出具有逾40 個靈活關節的機械素體。除了眼部、上胸、胸口反應器及掌心內置LED發光燈效外,多處位置更可透出LED光,包括:肋骨兩側、肩膀、前臂、小腿後端及背部(淺藍光,需電池啟動);胸甲採用可拆卸裝置、背部多組擾流定風翼與小腿裝甲更備開啓功能、肩膀配有一對隱藏式導彈炮,展現出機體內複雜的內部結構。除備有一個配有LED 眼部亮燈功能的鐵甲奇俠裝甲頭雕外,還額外附上一顆佩戴了鐵甲奇俠頭盔並可開啓面罩的 1:4 比例 Tony Stark 極像真頭雕供玩家更換,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。*驚喜是Hot Toys更參照電影中著上Mark IV裝甲的Tony Stark 於Randy’s Donuts一幕,特別隨人偶附上一個油炸圈餅連盒子和一個咖啡杯作為人偶小配件。
Iron Man and his high tech suits has always been widely beloved. Tony Stark designed the Mark IV armor to replace Mark III armor after it was heavily damaged in a fight, and showcased it with a grand entrance to the Stark Expo in Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2. Designed to succeed the older, damaged model, the armor features a slightly different design from its predecessor, having a more streamlined appearance and edged armor plates.
As the first exciting release of 2022, Hot Toys is delighted to introduce the amazingly detailed and massive 1/4th scale Iron Man Mark IV collectible figure inspired by Iron Man 2 movie.
Beautifully designed with gorgeous detailing, the 1/4th scale figure measures approximately 48.6cm tall is crafted based on Robert Downey Jr’s screen appearance as Tony Stark/ Iron Man from the movie, features a newly developed Tony Stark helmeted head sculpt, an interchangeable helmeted head with LED-light up function, skillfully applied metallic Hotrod red and gold colored armor, LED lights shine through various areas of armor, articulated armor designed to reveal interior mechanical design or hidden weapons, and a specially designed figure stand.
Marvel fans, don’t miss out on this rare chance to pre-order Mark IV armor in quarter scaled figure!
The 1/4th scale Iron Man Mark IV Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/ Iron Man in Iron Man 2
- One (1) Iron Man helmet with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) newly developed Tony Stark helmeted head with removable mask
- Movie-accurate facial features with detailed beard, wrinkles and skin texture
- Approximately 48.6 cm tall
- Over 40 points of articulations
- Special features on armor:
- Metallic gold and red colored painting on the sleek and streamline Iron Man armor design
- LED light up design on eyes, chest, arc reactor, and palms (white light, battery operated)
- LED lights can shine through sides of ribs, shoulder, forearms, back of legs and upper back (blue light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of built-in shoulder missile launchers
- Two (2) pairs of articulated rib armor to reveal interior mechanical design
- One (1) pair of articulated forearm armor allowing extension for missile firing mode
- One (1) pair of articulated countermeasure dispensers
- One (1) pair of detachable bicep armor
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of repulsor-firing hands
- Articulated flaps on legs
- Fully deployable air flaps at back of the armor
- Multi-layered waist armor with enhanced articulations allowing highly flexible movement
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) donut box
- One (1) donut
- One (1) coffee cup
- A specially designed figure stand with movie logo and character nameplate
Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2023
*Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
**Batteries included for collectible figure, button cells are required
***Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
2022 Marvel.
2022 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.
【《鐵甲奇俠2》Suit Up Gantry 1:4比例珍藏品】
整套細緻塗裝上具金屬感黃色和飾上舊化效果的Suit-up Gantry約63cm高、75cm闊、36cm深,由5支起重臂架和4組小型機械臂架所組成,結合精密的機械細節和全面性的活動關節,每支起重臂架都附有可動關節及抓扣組件,抓扣組件植入了磁石,可與同樣附有磁力功能的鐵甲奇俠Mark IV人偶頭盔和可拆胸甲等部件連接。同時,為了加強Tony Stark 於舞台上表演拆甲的氣氛效果,機械臂上設有8個LED發光位置,地台上更安裝了12個LED 發光燈效;還有,地台上的面版將附有黑色方格面版,玩家們可完完全全地透過這台Suit-up Gantry 組裝出各種精彩的1:4比例裝置情景,給所有鐵甲迷能夠更加投入到鐵甲奇俠的高科技世界中
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