【Hot Toys 誠意推出Infinity Ultron 1:6合金比例珍藏人偶
金屬塗裝機械裝甲配有六顆LED無限寶石 複雜機械結構媲美鐵甲奇俠】
Hot Toys 緊接影集《假如…?》結局,以合金作主要素材推出人工智慧大反派Infinity Ultron 1:6比例珍藏人偶,多元宇宙面臨空前危機!
Infinity Ultron佔據了Vision的Vibranium身體,獲得心靈寶石,擊敗復仇者聯盟,釋放了地球上全部的核武器,在全世界引發核浩劫。與此同時,Infinity Ultron從Thanos 手上奪取其餘的五顆寶石,率領機械人軍隊逐步消滅整個宇宙,帶來屬於自己「時代的和平」。Hot Toys特別按影集角色比例全新打造了高39cm的機械裝甲素體,如一貫的機械設定備有30多個可動關節,整套裝甲以合金作主要素材,細膩塗裝上鈦灰拼金色,製作此Infinity Ultron 1:6比例珍藏人偶的複雜程序媲美鐵甲奇俠,其機械裝甲結構繁複且精細,加上複雜的外露結構,對於裝甲分件設計添上難度,背部配有一件特別剪栽設計的紅色斗篷,斗篷邊沿特意藏有鐵線骨架,營造出飄逸效果!Infinity Ultron獨特頭盔結合LED 發光燈效 (眼睛與心靈寶石),頭盔可揭起呈現出Vision面容,額上的心靈寶石亦備有LED發光燈效,而裝甲身上亦鑲嵌了5顆內置LED 發光燈效仿無限寶石,模仿機械裝甲內置的發光功能。隨人偶還有一枝長53cm呈鈦灰色的長矛、兩對不同造型手掌與人偶地台。
“I’m going to bring peace in our time, to every corner of universe.” – Infinity Ultron
In Episode 8 of Marvel Studios’ What If...?, Ultron not only succeeds in merging with Vision, but also gains the power of Infinity Stones when Thanos the Mad Titan comes to Earth. Wielding unstoppable power, Ultron takes his grudge against organic life through the vast reaches of space, intending to wipe clean the entire multiverse…
To expand on the multiverse display, Hot Toys is excited to introduce Infinity Ultron as amazingly-detailed 1/6th scale diecast collectible figure from What If…? collection.
Skillfully crafted based on the appearance of Infinity Ultron in the animation series, the diecast figure stands 39cm in height, features a newly developed helmeted head sculpt with LED light-up function on eyes and Mind Stone; highly-detailed helmet with LED light up function and magnetic flip-up design; multiple layers of titanium grey and matted gold paint application on the armor embedded with LED-light up Infinity Stones; most noticeable for its signature double-headed spear; and figure stand.
The new Infinity Ultron 1/6th scale figure is here to conquer your display!
The 1/6th scale Infinity Ultron Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Infinity Ultron in Marvel Studios’ What If…? animation series
- One (1) newly helmeted head sculpt with LED light up function on eyes and Mind Stone (battery operated)
- Helmet with LED light up function (battery operated) and magnetic flip-up design to reveal details of face sculpt and skin texture
- Specially applied metallic red-violet skin tone to reflect character’s distinctive appearance
- Approximately 39cm tall
- Specialized body with over 30 points of articulations
- Contains diecast material
- Special features on armor:
- Titanium grey and matted gold colored painting on Infinity Ultron armor
- Infinity Stones mounted on armor with LED light-up function (battery operated)
- Four (4) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers
- One (1) pair spear holding hands
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
Costume :
- One (1) red colored cape with gold colored embossed pattern (embedded with bendable wire)
- One (1) double-headed spear
- One (1) specially designed figure stand
Release date: Approximately Q4, 2022 – Q1, 2023
*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required
***Product details can subject to change without further notice
2021 Marvel.
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